Chapter 42

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Oh, how I missed that boy. If I had known that his body against mine feels that good, I would have hugged Isaac a long time ago. Right now, I am very happy and I am sure he feels the same way. Imagine the feeling that you get, when you find something that you lost a long time ago. Something that is so precious to you, something so near to your heart that you could literally start crying, hypothetically, of course.

What if I just kidnap him right here, right now. I would lock him in a basement, so that I could always look at him and he would never be able to run from me. "You are smiling like a psycho right now." His words slicing through my train of thoughts immediately. "Sorry." I say and drop that wicked thought from before.

Even though, it is currently summer, the crisp air of the night is still a little cold, so I decide to wrap his frame even more with my arms, a desperate attempt to keep the boy warm, protected from the world. "You are crushing me." He laughs into my body, his hot breath fanning over my hoodie, warming me in an instant. I pretend I didn't hear his words just now, because I don't want to lessen the grip on him. Call me selfish - I could care less.

"It's you, Oscar." Isaac presses out slowly. What does he mean? "What?" I ask confused. "You were the reason I didn't sleep with Thomas at the party." He continues. "You were occupying my mind back then." I am shocked at his confession, but also more than happy. "For real?" I say, still not believing his words. "Don't get too excited." Isaac counters playfully. "I am just glad that I dick-blocked you." I say honestly. The cold air around us now forgotten.

Here goes nothing I guess. "Isaac, what are we now?" I ask the question that occupied my mind since forever, I want clarity, I need clarity. Isaac breathes hard at my words, before releasing himself from my grasp. Did I ruin the moment? I mentally curse myself for my stupidity, why am I such a loser? I suddenly feel empty, now, that the boy is no longer pressed to my body.

My eyes immediately connect with his orbs, I half expected some signs of sadness or confusion in them, but no. Quite on the contrary, his green balls are void of any negative emotion, they look clear, focused even. And there it is again, that beautiful symphony of green locked inside those eyes, my favorite color since day one.

My mind is too far gone to even realize that the boy leaned forward, his face only inches away from mine now. And the next seconds cause my shattered heart to ultimately stop. The beautiful boy in front of me presses his lips on mine, so soft I thought it was my imagination at first, but as the first fireworks go up in me and the little butterflies rise up again, I conclude that this is really happening.

To my disappointment, his soft lips disappear again after a few seconds, he is now looking at me, a small blush evident on his face. The air is still knocked out of my lungs, therefore, I can only manage a small smile right now. Moments pass by while we just stare at each other, uncaring of who could have possibly spied on us or the consequences we might face due to our past action.

I would have saved that moment forever, stored in a small bottle in a safe on the bottom of the sea, where it is protected for all eternity. But that is not possible for me, so I try to enjoy the moment as best as I physically can with all my existence. Such moments are the stuff of stories, stories that you will tell you grandchildren one day, stories that you will remember on your deathbed, stories that are engraved in your soul - never forgotten.

"I like you, Isaac, a lot." I don't know where the sudden courage of mine comes from, but I will be doomed if I don't confess now. The boy doesn't respond right away, which causes my anxiety to skyrocket, say something.



Wow, him confessing is new, but I really like this emotional side of him. I am glad that he trusts me enough to actually open up to me and yes, Oscar, I fucking like you too - a lot to be precise.

"Oscar Anderson, you are the biggest idiot I have ever crossed paths with, but I fucking like you too." I say, smiling. The boy looks relieved at my words, which is fair, because I left him hanging in the air for quite a few seconds. But I didn't want to sound desperate to him.

"You don't mean that." Oscar counters confidently, while closing the distance between us again. "The part where I say I like you, or what?" I say with a playful tone, but I don't get the chance to correct myself, because I am already pressed against the wall by him. Where the fuck did that wall come from?

He black-haired boy looks pretty intimidating with that mysterious spark in his blue eyes, but I won't back down now. One thing that I learned about myself is that I enjoy playing with fire, even if I get burned in the end, maybe I am a masochist, at least I am not boring, right? Anyway, as the room between the wall and Oscar gets sparse, I decide to finally release the tension between us, by sealing our lips again. An act I could get used to, because he seems to enjoy it too.

This time our little kiss turns more heated, his tongue eventually finds it's way inside my mouth, challenging me for dominance. But if you know us, neither me nor Oscar would ever surrender and therefore, our tongues dance in a battle of dominance.

Our seemingly endless battle comes to a stop, when the boy decides to pull my strands hard, causing a low moan to escape my mouth.

He uses that opportunity to overpower me once and for all and I let him, I let him take full control of the situation. And that might have been the best decision I made today. If I had known how good of a kisser that boy really is, I would have given him control of the situation a long time ago. But as the time passes, the cold stone wall behind me, really makes me uncomfortable, so I decide to push the hungry boy away from me lightly. He first looks frustrated, but quickly recovers and is now smiling. "That was- wow." He says which makes me laugh in return.

I put both of my hands on either side of his face, before answering. "You are wow." I say sheepishly, before I finally turn around and walk towards my car. Before I reach my car, I turn around again. "Good night, Oscar." I say in a sincere but also caring way, before entering the driver side of my car. As I pull out of my parking lot, I see the boy smiling at me from his own car, a happy smile. The type of smile that suits people the best.

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