Chapter 12

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"Isaac." My mom calls from downstairs, hearing her voice calling for me is kind of weird. It is 3 pm on a Tuesday, she is usually never home at this hour. Since her parents will arrive in a few minutes she is kind of forced to take a day off, a fact I am thankful for, honestly.

That women seriously needs to take a step back, I am aware that she works shift after shift to cover the costs as best as possible and I am grateful for that, but I would love to spend more quality time with her. Even if I have to eat instant noodles for the rest of my life to save some money. I smile.

"Oh Sarah, how are you sweetheart?" I hear a familiar voice as I make my way downstairs. I mean my grandma sounds like a kind women but she is the devil, trust me.

"Isaac, my dear, how have you been?" Now a male voice catches my attention. Grandpa, on the other side, is quite tolerable. He tends to forget certain things, but overall beats grandma by far.

"Never been better." I answer, before hugging the old man. A ritual we introduced some time ago, surprisingly he has never forgotten this tradition of us hugging. Grandma also gets a quick hug, emphasizing on quick, so it doesn't appear like I'm choosing sides, which I actually do.

Sometimes I wonder how the kind soul of my grandpa ended up with that women. But enough of that, after a little bit of catching up between my grandparents and mostly my mom, we make our way into the living room.

"Isaac, get some biscuits, will you?" The voice of the old women causing me to roll my eyes, but I stand up either way.

After stalling some time I reenter the living room, handing the elderly woman a few of her desired biscuits. Not expecting any form of gratitude from her I sit down on the couch again. Love you too, granny.

"So, tell us Isaac, where do you hide your girlfriend?"

This will be hell of a long day. I sigh, covering my displeasure with the fakest smile ever.


It is currently 8 pm. My grandparents will probably stay for dinner, which will give them the chance to ask even more uncomfortable questions. I need to get out of here, quickly.

So I make up some stupid excuse to avoid dinner to which my grandparents nod understandably, mostly grandpa. My mom throws me a disapproving look but she can't lecture me in the presence of her parents and therefore has to let me go. Sorry, I mouth to my mom as I leave the room, ready to head out.

On my way out I grab my headphones and a protein bar. I decide to go for a "quick" run to clear my head, hoping that my grandparents will be gone when I come back. Fingers crossed.

After running for a few minutes I reach a small park that is dimly lit by two old street lamps. Suddenly remembering the times when young Isaac and his mum used to come here to pass the time when the house once again became too small for the two of them. I unconsciously start smiling.

I don't want to drop this memory just yet and therefore make my way to the bench. I decide to let my thoughts, which I normally suppress, run free. I let my raging mind consume me.

I think of my dad, the man that left my mum and me behind.

I think of my mom who works hard every day in hopes of making the ends meet.

I think of my best friends. The ones who stay by my side even when I mess up again.

I think of him. Oscar Thompson. My rival. The one who makes my blood boil like no one other. His ocean-blue eyes piercing me every time our eyes meet.

And I think of our encounter yesterday, in the car park. And in that moment as I picture the two boys glaring at each other with rage-filled eyes, I decide to stop. Enough thinking for today. Scared of what might have happened. Scared of thoughts concerning Oscar that don't involve raging and scheming.

Not daring to give in to the whirlpool of emotions in my head, in fear of the possible outcome. I jump up from the bench, picking up my pace again.

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