Chapter 24

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It is fucking cold. I forgot my jacket at home due to the sudden need to talk to Isaac. Now I am sitting on the tree in front of his house. He is currently opening his windows to let me in. I think I would really freeze to death out here if it weren't for his "hospitality", even though it is forced.

I let out a sigh as my foot hits his warm floor, I have never been more grateful of Isaac in my life. Warm air immediately hugging my body.

"Why didn't you just take the fucking door, you idiot?" He questions with an amused tone.

I scratch the back of my head. The option of using the door didn't really cross my mind.

"I don't know." I answer truthfully to which he just smiles. I realize it once again that I kind of enjoy the sight of him smiling.

"You're unbelievable." He closes the window behind me, successfully blocking out the cold air of the night. Not once does his smile drop from his face.

"Unbelievable hot, you mean?" I joke but he didn't deny it instantly, which is a win in my book.

He just shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. The muscles of the boy flexing. A glorious sight.

"What do you want?" He finally asks. Shit, I didn't really think about this part of the plan. I honestly thought that he would let me freeze to death in his backyard.

"I-" I start but stop immediately after. Fuck, say something. Why is this so hard?

"I?" He questions. Thanks for the help fucker.

"We-" I start again, still not successful.

"We?" He mimics again just to piss me off this time. He smirks. You know, fuck that shit.

"US! Isaac. Me and you. US." I shout. Gesturing between our bodies with my hands. He takes a few steps back, surprised by my sudden outburst. His eyes now focusing everything in the room but me, trying to actively block me out. But not with me. I didn't nearly die just to get treated like air now.

I close the distance between us with a few quick steps, he doesn't move, probably thinking hard right now. I stop a few inches in front of his body, my chest nearly colliding with his. He is still not looking at me, so I grab his face in a swift motion and angle his head forcing his eyes to meet mine and when they did, I swear I nearly died on the spot.

Those eyes. Its various shades, from the deep emerald hues of the tree canopy to the delicate lime tones of new foliage, create a serene harmony of color. Since the day I met that guy, I swear, green has become my favorite color.

But there is one thing that irritates the fuck out of me. That emotion which is evident in those green orbs of his since the beginning. Uncertainty. I would do anything to make that disrupting blot disappear, it is blocking him, his beauty. Making him unavailable to me. But I won't back down again.

I slowly close the distance between our mouths, expecting him to flee, pull away, hit me, I don't know but no such thing happens. Isaac is just standing there, waiting for my lips to meet his and that is exactly what I do. Not even a second later our lips finally touch. A soft kiss.

"Stop worrying." I whisper, my hand on his lower back, slowly pulling him into me, which he accepts without any form of protest.

"I can't do that." He says silently before breaking away from my hold. Something inside him switching in that very moment. I try to stop him by grabbing his wrist but he quickly pulls away, he looks scared? Conflicted? I can't quite decipher the feeling that is now evident in his eyes. Hate? No, not hate.

Isaac doesn't move, he is standing there in the middle of the room, head low. I try to break the silence once again.

"Isaac." I try. My voice low.

"No, fuck, Oliver, stop." He sounds defeated.

"Just fucking stop, dude." Again. That voice of his really gets to me.

"We-" He stops in the middle of the sentence.

"Isaac." I try again.

"No! We are fucking enemies since I can fucking think. We hated each other, made our lives living hell and now what. Kiss and make up, hell no. I still can't fucking stand you Oscar and you probably feel the same about me. We can't just pretend like nothing has ever happened between us. We have a history. I am fucking confused. Shit." After his sudden outburst, he abruptly stops, now breathing heavily. First I am shocked, but I recover fast.

"I fucking know that. Isaac. Don't think you are the only one suffering with this- shit, I don't even know what to call it. I am confused too but I know one thing for sure, I don't completely hate you anymore. You are still a jerk and all but no one except you has occupied my mind this much before. You fuck with my head, every day. And I don't fucking know what to do anymore!" I shout at him. Now he is the shocked one, his eyes found their way to mine again. I let out a heavy breath.

The room is suddenly filled with silence again.

"I think you should probably go." Isaak whispers. I totally agree, that was more than I actually wanted to say to him. Fuck.

"Yup" I spin around. I decide against throwing an insult in his face, but I don't want to leave like that, so I quickly turn around again. In an instant I close the distance between us and press my lips against his cheek. His scent that reminds me of a deep forest immediately in my nose, but I break away a second later, fleeing out of the window into the cold, dark night. A light blush is evident on my face. Shit, I hope he didn't see that.



Did Oscar just blush? Shit, why am I suddenly blushing? What the fuck is going on?

Still a little dazed from our previous interaction I make my way into the bathroom that connects with my bedroom. Time for a very cold shower, I decide.

I still can't put a word to our thing but that is a problem for a different night. I just want to sleep and hopefully I won't dream about a certain black haired boy, but I already know that that will be inevitable. When did I become such a mess.

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