Chapter 47

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After thinking for another second, I begin and I only stop to take occasional breaths, no abbreviations, no missed spots - they want the truth and I will tell them everything from start to end. They deserve to hear everything.

During my speech, the faces of the two are void of any emotion. They don't interrupt me, ask any unwanted question, they simply look at me expectantly. And somewhere between Oscar and Jayden I must have gotten a little sentimental, since I can feel the tickling sensation of small droplets on both my cheeks now. Shit, that is more than embarrassing. But I refuse to stop mid story, so I continue.

"Don't get me wrong, I really like him, but I don't know if he is ready for me, for us, yet." And with that I end my oration, breathless. I talked like a fucking waterfall for two minutes straight. I quickly focus on the two in front of me, trying hard to decipher some emotion, but they just stare blankly at me. Zoe's mouth is open by now and Toby looks like a small fish, opening and closing his mouth like that. My nerves immediately skyrocket, as my best friends still don't say anything.

"Please." I beg. "Say something, anything." I desperately say, silently hoping that I didn't just ruin our friendship once and for all. Please don't hate me. Please don't hate me.



I-. Wow, I mean. Wow.



I knew it. I wanted to say, but I decide against it, that would be more then inappropriate right now. I let him have this for once. But, it's still so surprising to actually hear it coming out of his mouth. The things from his point of view, which is totally different from my perspective, since I am only standing at the sidelines, quietly observing.

As I realize that the boy must be internally freaking out by now, I decide to redeem him. "Isaac." I say slowly, his eyes on me instantly, filled with worry. "I really appreciate that you trust us enough to actually tell us something so private." I lie, I was the one who kinda forced him to confess. Ups, hahah.

"I promise that I- we still love you with everything we have." I say, while turning around, now looking at Toby. He gives me a quick heads up before I continue. "It was only a matter of time before you guys finally collided." I explain. "Toby and I knew from the start, that Oscar is someone very special to you." I say while placing one hand on the side of his face, smiling.

"You guys are probably the biggest jerks I've ever met, but you just go together like a glove. You have always meant something to each other, maybe not in a good way, but you know what I mean." I continue. "Don't get me wrong, but I remember that one time in second grade, when you asked me, if first degree murder is justified, when you have a reason for it - and in that moment I realized that you were talking about him, because you always are."

Isaac is still balling his eyes out in front of me, but he listens expectantly, which is a sign for me to keep going, so I do. "You and Oscar are two sides of the same coin, man." I state, trying desperately to phrase my thoughts. "Maybe the combination of you two is highly destructive, but you have come this far. Too far, to be precise, to just stop now and throw everything away." Isaac seems to understand what I am saying, Toby on the other hand is busy with his phone again. I swear to fucking god, if he is playing that fucking bird game again, I will shove- no, Zoe, focus.

"Anyways, what I originally wanted to tell you is: Isaac, promise me to always follow you heart, even if that means bonding with your arch nemesis. But the feeling of not having done something is a thousand times worse than the possible consequences of your action could ever be." And with that I finally end my announcement, satisfied.

"Yeah, what she said." Hearing Toby's words, i could literally rip his head off at that moment, but I decide against it for the sake of our conversation. I will punish him when he least expects it, I will strike fast and hard. That fucker.

"Zoe." Isaac's voice bringing me back to the conversation. "Toby." With that Isaac receives the full attention of the boy, the game on his phone forgotten. "You guys are great." He proudly states, before hugging me for the second time today. But who am I to complain, we have literally violated the law by trespassing on private property, but I needed answers, okay.

"I thought you would really abandon me after hearing about me and Oscar." He scratches the back of his head nervously, a small smile plastered on his face. "Isaac. We could never hate you for being yourself." I reassure him, while intensifying the grip around the boy. We remain silent, enjoying each others company, before a certain black-skinned boy decides to interrupt our little Zoe-Isaac-moment.

"Sooo, are you the top then?" I physically cringe at his question. What the actual fuck, Toby. Stop fucking talking, but I settle for a silent glare towards him instead. Isaac physically tenses before answering. "Get lost." I understand that the whole situation can be pretty overwhelming, therefore, Toby is not really helping right now - asking such uncomfortable questions.

"I love you guys, really." Isaac states, his voice filled with veracity and honesty. Before I get the chance to respond, Toby takes the lead. "We love you too." He counters. Wow, Toby, thanks for not asking weird questions for once, I am seriously impressed at how sincere he can be.



I am pretty tired to be honest and it is already dark outside, since Sarah, Isaac's mom, could come home every second now, I decide to confront Zoe. "Hey Zoe, I think we should get going." I say to which she just nods, she must have realized that it's quite late. "You are right." The girl says while walking towards my chair, after giving Isaac one last kiss on the cheek.

I immediately shoot up from my seat and say Isaac our goodbyes, before following Zoe through the now open room door. Before Isaac ultimately vanishes from my field of vision, I turn around, facing him one last time. "Yo, I really wanted to help you back then with her, but if I learned one thing over the last couple of days and that is to not fool with Zoe Blackwell." I say, making him smile in the process. "See you tomorrow, I guess." I say before finally exiting the room.

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