Prologue: a lady, a cat, and a witch

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AN: I somehow had only come across the Witches Among Humans AU a few weeks ago. I quickly became obsessed. I am now creating my own story using this ark. There are references and direct quotes from the MoringMark's series. All credits for this idea go to him. I just wanted a full book of this idea, so I decided to create one. 

Anyone else excited for the last episode of The Owl House to come out this Saturday? Only four more days, and then the series is over :( 

What I do know that a lot of people would be excited to hear is that the series is not completely over. There is a (fanmade) revival project in the works. They're hiring voice actors, animators, the whole thing to bring us a season 4! I am so excited to see what they come up with! They're instagram is tohrevivedproject.

Anyway, onto the series!


The night seemed perfect. The sky was clear and starry. The full moon cast a silvery light on the land below, creating eerie shadows and highlights.

A woman with long, graying hair drove through the dark woods, humming to herself. She had spent the evening scavenging for treasures in various places: garage sales, roadside stalls, and even dumpsters behind department stores. She didn't care what others thought of her hobby. She knew that everything in the back of her car had a purpose, or at least a potential one.

She was on her way home from her latest haul. Her cat, King, sat beside her on the passenger seat, curled up in a ball. He opened one eye and looked at her with mild interest as she ranted.

"Can you believe those snobs at the mall? They kicked me out just because I was looking for some bargains in their trash! Who do they think they are?" The woman grumbled.

King meowed in agreement.

"That's right, King! They don't appreciate the value of things. But we do, don't we?" She said, scratching his chin.

King purred and closed his eye again.

The woman smiled and continued to drive along the winding road.

Suddenly, something thudded on the windshield of her car, making a loud crack.

"Jesus Christ!" She screamed.

She jerked the wheel and slammed on the brakes, trying to avoid whatever had hit her car. The car skidded off the road and headed towards a large tree.

"Hold on, King!" She shouted.

She braced herself for the impact, expecting to hear metal crunching and glass shattering.

But nothing happened.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that the car had stopped just inches from the tree trunk. She let out a shaky breath and felt her heart pounding in her chest.

"Are you okay, King?" She asked, looking for her cat.

King meowed weakly from under the seat. He crawled out and jumped into her lap, rubbing his head against her chest.

The woman sighed in relief and hugged him. She was glad that he was safe. She took a moment to calm down before deciding to get out of the car and check the damage. And find out what had hit her windshield.

The woman quickly got out of the car, grabbing her phone and turning on the flashlight. She walked around to the front of the car and gasped.

She had barely escaped a disaster. Her car was almost touching the tree and only a foot away from a deep ditch. She was glad that she didn't have to deal with a smashed car or a tow truck.

"What do you think happened, King?" She asked, looking for her cat.

She didn't hear a reply. She scanned the area with her flashlight, feeling a pang of worry.

"King?" She called out. "King!"

She heard a loud meow from somewhere in the dark. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves.

She followed the sound of his meows, "King, where are you? Come back here! You know you're not supposed to wander off..." She stopped mid-sentence as she saw something that made her gasp. "Oh my god!"

She clapped her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide with shock. She had assumed that a deer or some other animal had jumped in front of her car, but that was not the case. It was a human being!

King meowed at her again, as if to say "look what I found". He nudged the person with his nose, trying to get a reaction.

"Oh gods. Please don't be dead..." She whispered to herself as she approached the person cautiously.

She could see now that it was a young girl, no older than sixteen. She had long, dark hair and pale skin. She was wearing a strange dress that looked like it belonged to another era. She had hit a kid!

The woman gently touched the girl's face, feeling for a pulse. She held her breath, hoping for a sign of life.

There it was. She felt a faint heartbeat under her fingers. She also felt a slight movement of air from the girl's nose.

She sighed in relief, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her. The girl was still alive. She would never forgive herself if she had killed someone.

"What do you think, King?" She asked her cat, looking at him for guidance.

King purred softly and rubbed his head against the girl's cheek. He seemed to like her.

"Yeah, I guess we can't leave her here." She agreed, nodding.

She went to pick the girl up, but noticed something odd. The girl's ears? They were pointed. 

"A... witch?" 

The lady had heard of tails of another world, or another realm. It was myth, right?

Whatever it was, she had to help the girl now. 

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