Chapter 20: Camila Noceda

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"¡Hola, mamá!"

Camila was just putting the finishing touches on the treat that she made for her daughter.

It had been hard for them since her husband, Manny, was taken from them. Luz had been so strong throughout it all that Camila wanted to do something nice for her.

"¡Hola, mija!" Camila called back. "¿Cómo estás? ¿Te mantuviste fuera de problemas?" (How are you? Did you stay out of trouble?)

"Sí, mamá." Luz groaned.

Camila rolled her eyes at her daughter's tone.

She popped out from behind the wall that separated their makeshift kitchen from their living area. "Hey!" Camila pointed her spatula at Luz. "¡No uses ese tono conmigo, mi pequeña bruja salvaje!" (Don't use that tone with me, my little wild witch!)

After the few... adventures Luz had had, she wanted to be sure she was staying out of trouble. For the love of titan, last time Camila let Luz out on her own, her little bruja had managed to blow up the Emperor's statue! They were already wanted criminals due to Camila's previous actions when she was in the rebellion, not to mention they were wild witches; they didn't need any more of a target on their heads.

Camila could see Luz chuckle to herself, clearly not taking her mother's threat seriously.

She watched as her daughter's eyes widened as she took a sniff.

"Oh, what's cooking?"

Camila looked towards the griffin eggs she had managed to procure. "Hice tu favorita! I managed to make a trade for some griffin eggs." 

Luz jumped up and down, squealing with excitement.

Camila laughed at Luz's antics. It had been so long since she had managed to get these for Luz. It filled her heart with joy when she was able to get them. It certainly wasn't easy since many witches and demons would love to turn them in. It made getting the simplest of ingredients difficult, never mind the food that was harder to come by.

"¡Gracias, mamá!" Luz ran over to her mom, wrapping her arms around her in all of the excitement. "It smells so good!"

Camila smiled and hugged her daughter tighter.

It felt like a perfect moment.


A blast of air swept through the front door. It was no ordinary gust of wind.

"Luz, hide." Camila shoved her daughter into the kitchen.

In the doorway, the Golden Guard and a small army of soldiers stood.

"Luz, listen to me." Camila turned to her little witch. "I need you to take your staff and fly away from here."

"But mama, I can help!" Luz said, firmly.

"Camila Noceda, Luz Noceda! You're both under arrest under the orders of the Emperor! Turn yourselves in so that you may be brought before him for petrification!"

"Luz, go, now!" Luz's mother commanded.

Camila stretched out her hand and her staff formed. She gripped it tight, ready to defend her home until her daughter was able to get out safely. She knew she was surrounded from all sides. She couldn't run, but she'd be damned if she couldn't at least protect her daughter.

The older wild witch watched as her daughter summoned her own staff and was ready to fight. Luz sent a wall of fire straight at the emperor's soldiers, pushing them back.

Camila was proud of her daughter's bravery to defend their home, but she was scared that her daughter's bravery would be what would get her captured.

"Luz, mija! We can't win this one." Her mother pleaded.

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