Chapter 14: Prom

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AN: I love Lumity with all of my heart, but I'm an aroace lesbian myself, so please bare with me. Anything relationship wise is awkward for me. That goes double when I'm attempting to write it. 

Fun, or not so fun side note: Any awkward situations that I use for Lumity or other relationships may come from my own personal experiences from my own sad attempt at dating. 

It was finally the day of prom. Practically everyone had taken the day off of school to go and get ready. Luz and her friends were no exception. And to say Luz was nervous was an understatement. She had so many questions and doubts swirling in her mind. What would she wear? What should she say? Do they dance? She doesn't know how to dance!

Luz's eyes snapped open as she realized the last one. She was going to make a fool of herself in front of Amity!

"EDA!" Luz shouted. 

She jumped out of her bed and ran out of her room. She zoomed through the halls of the Owl House, looking for her mentor and (although she wasn't ready to admit it herself just yet) her surrogate mother figure. She found Eda sipping her cup of coffee in the living room, enjoying the morning silence. Or at least she was.

Eda sighed, seeing her young charge bursting into the room with a panicked expression.. 

"I was wondering when this peaceful moment was going to be ruined." She placed her cup of coffee down on the table beside her. Eda was already dressed in her signature red dress. She figured this was going to happen. "Let me guess, you just realized you have nothing to wear?" 

"Uh-huh. And, I also don't know how to dance!" Luz whined, tears actually starting to form in her brown eyes. 

"You're parents never taught you?" Eda asked, sounding confused. 

Luz stared at Eda, completely stunned.

Did she really just ask that? 

Eda's eyes widened in realization. 

"Oh, right... sorry." She gave a half-hearted apology, knowing where she messed up.

Luz waved it off, having no room for feeling sad today when she had a bunch of other things to worry about! "So, can you help me?" 

Eda chuckled, "fine. But just know, you're helping me out tomorrow." 

Luz's eyes widened, she didn't know whether to take the deal or not. But she was desperate. "Fine! Anything you need!" 

The two shook on it. "Alright, first things first. We need to get you to the mall. And some backup. I want you to call those friends of yours. If they're the ones who came up with your promposal, their ideas can't be that bad." 

"Did you just compliment them?" Luz smirked, amusement in her voice. 

"Grab your palisman and let's go." Eda grumbled. 

Luz chuckled to herself as she called Stringbean to her. The snake-like palisman slithered down from the ceiling, as it became a solid object once again. Luz put it in her satchel for safe keeping.

She followed Eda out of the door, hoping that they could find something that would make Amity's jaw drop.

Luz had pulled out her phone to call in her reinforcements. Gus and Willow happily agreed to go, stating they already had their own outfits. They were surprised Luz hadn't found hers yet. Granted, her mind was rather scrambled with other things.

Eda and Luz climbed into the car and picked up the two friends. They headed to the mall in a haste to find something for Luz to wear.

That started a montage of them all running around the mall, going through store after store, and getting Luz to try on different dresses, tuxes, or anything that looked remotely nice. At one point Luz had on a frilly pink dress that made her look like a cupcake. Willow had given her a thumbs up, Gus was shaking his head, and Eda was taking pictures for blackmail. That continued on to when she found a bright blue suit to try on. Luz thought it looked fantastic, but apparently it wasn't exactly in style anymore when Willow stated it was something her dads would've worn in the 80s. Whatever that meant. 

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