Chapter 32: A Bond

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The demonic winged beast gracefully descended into a serene clearing, choosing a location far enough from the castle to ensure their escape went undetected. It had considered flying even further, straight to the resistance camp where safety would surely be guaranteed, but a couple of obstacles stood in their way. Firstly, their current passengers would hold an understandable lack of trust, making it unlikely they would reveal the camp's whereabouts. Moreover, the winged beast itself was growing increasingly weary after being trapped for so long.

With utmost care, the beast gently lowered the humans onto the soft bed of crimson grass, its massive wings folding neatly against its powerful frame. As the three former coven heads got off  from the beast's back, a mixture of gratitude and unease coursed through their veins. They owed their lives to this beast, but whether they could trust it remained a question lingering in their minds.

Amity, breaking the uneasy silence, found her voice and addressed the winged saviour, "Thank you for saving us. But who are you?"

The creature's gaze dropped to the staff clutched in Amity's hands. The staff was all too familiar to the creature. She had missed the events leading up to the moment she had saved the five before her, but the presence of the palisman in the girl's possession suggested a very close connection to the creature's daughter.

If Stringbean had chosen this girl to wield it, then it was very obvious this girl had obtained a bond that went well beyond basic trust.

"Camila?" Raine inquired. They stepped forward to confront the creature directly.

Meeting Raine's gaze, the beast offered a firm nod, confirming its identity.

"Hold on a sec," Eda interjected, her eyes narrowing with caution. "You're Luz's mother?"

Eda studied the beast with a mix of wariness and curiosity. According to Raine's descriptions, Camila had been trapped in a demonic beast form, stripped of her true self and reduced to a vessel for Belos's malevolent will. Eda had been told by Raine that Camila was nothing more than an empty shell driven solely by animalistic instincts.

Once again, the beast nodded, affirming its true identity.

In an attempt to diminish her imposing stature and align herself with the others, Camila gently laid down on the grass, allowing herself to be at a similar height. Even in this prone position, her beastly form still towered over the group. 

Eberwolf sniffed along the beast's talons, sensing no animosity coming from the beast. A low growl escaped his lips as he muttered something, directing a question towards the creature.

Darius, uncertain whether Camila could comprehend Eberwolf's language in her current form, stepped forward to translate, "He's asking how you managed to escape."

Camila took a shaky breath, her voice trembling with remnants of fear and determination, "I heard Luz's voice. My mind was clouded, but I could hear her calling out to me. With every ounce of strength, I fought against this cursed beast, desperately trying to gain control. And then, I saw her gaze on me. In that moment, something clicked. I knew it was her and I was able to regain control for a brief moment."

Her words hung heavy in the air, the weight of her struggle palpable. Camila continued, her voice tinged with both relief and sorrow, "But this wasn't the first time. Belos had discovered a way to suppress the cursed beast within my mind, temporarily silencing it. He used the magic from his staff to determine who held control over my being - me or the beast. And each time he granted me control, he would take Luz away, leaving me with Kiki-miki-"

Interrupting the somber flow of her words, Eberwolf sneezed in amusement at the endearing nickname.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Camila's lips, her voice carrying a trace of warmth, "-alone. I fought against the chains that bound me, eventually breaking free from their grip."

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