Chapter 16: First not-a-date

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Luz could hardly contain her excitement as she left school. It was finally Friday, and she had plans to go to the carnival with Amity! They had agreed to meet near their favorite café in an hour. That gave Luz just enough time to get back home and change into something better. 

Willow and Gus, her best friends, insisted on accompanying her to The Owl House to help her pick out an outfit. Luz didn't understand why she needed to dress up for a casual hangout with Amity, but she appreciated their enthusiasm nonetheless. 

As they were walking through the streets of the city, they heard a loud scream from around the corner.

"Oh! Don't tell me!" Luz whined. "Here? Now?!" 

"Maybe it's not what you think it is?" Gus said hopefully. 

They turned the corner and saw a large creature rampaging through the market. It had a long, gray, segmented body like a worm, but its head was that of a rat, with beady eyes and sharp teeth. It was knocking into buildings and cars, sending debris flying everywhere.

Luz gave Gus a look that said 'really?'.

"What is that thing?" Willow asked, slightly horrified. She honestly didn't know whether that thing looked cute, or disgusting. 

The creature let out a long and loud high pitched screech. It's sharp fangs shown through. They were so sharp, it appeared it could tear something apart within seconds.

Definitely disgusting.

"It's a ratworm." Luz rolled her eyes. 

Willow grabbed Luz's hand and pulled her into an alley. "Quick, transform!" she whispered.

"This won't take long." Luz stated, as she held her hands together, as she summoned her staff out of seemingly no where. With a wave of her staff, her witch's outfit had appeared and replaced the outfit she wore moments before. She ran out of the alley, ready to face the ratworm. 

She ran out of the alley, ready to face the ratworm. She twirled her staff in the air and drew a circle of fire with it. She hoped to scare the creature away with a blast of flames.

The ratworm seemed unfazed by the fire. It leaped over the inferno and lunged at Luz. Luz's eyes widened as she barely dodged its bite.

She got up from the ground and formed a giant ball of blinding white light with her staff. She threw it at the ratworm's face, hoping to blind it temporarily. The ratworm shook its head and snorted. The light didn't bother it at all. It charged at Luz again, even angrier than before. 

"Heh, whoops?" Luz said nervously as she rolled out of its way. She charged up another spell with her staff. As she got behind the ratworm, she released the spell and a shower of icicles rained down on the beast. It yowled in pain as the icicles pierced its thick skin. 

The ratworm shook off the icicles, as it rushed forward, crashing through them. It hissed angrily, with its teeth bared. Luz barely had time to block its powerful jaws with her staff. She held strong, as she used all of her force to push the ratworm off of her. 

She realized that her usual spells weren't working on this thing. She had dealt with these creatures before, but they usually weren't this persistent unless they were being controlled by someone. 


Perhaps that titan forbid Golden Brat.

She didn't have time to focus on that right now. She didn't exactly feel like causing property damage. That usually meant having to help fix it up later, or a bunch of people not to happy with her. Plus, where she was at the moment, there were no other civilians that were in danger. She had time to make this less messy then normal.

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