Chapter 2: Human Luz

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It was Luz's first day on Earth. Well, at least first full day she was conscious for. After explaining to Eda why she could not turn a lump of rocks into solid gold, Eda had replaced her bandages. 

After that, she was introduced to the cutest little thing in the world, Eda's little pet kitten named King. Luz thought he was the most adorable thing in the world! At least, as close to her palisman one could get. She loved her palisman, Stringbean. She was a shape shifting snake who Luz loved dearly. Stringbean was the last thing she had to remind her of her mom.

Her mom was the one who helped Luz carve Stringbean when she became old enough for one. That was only three years ago, on Luz's thirteenth birthday. 

Luz felt a pang of homesickness. The home that had been torn from her. Luz looked out the window of the spare bedroom Eda leant her, "I miss you, mama. I promise you, I will get back home. I will find you." 

A single tear fell from her eye and rolled down her cheek. It didn't get very far. 

Luz felt something wet and rough attack her cheek. 

She turned her attention to the cute little ball of fur. 

"Thank you, little guy." She picked King up into her lap, giving him a scratch behind his ears.

King was already her little guy. The cat with one and a half ears had spent the night with her. She had thought that these "animals" that resided in the human realm were less intelligent, and thus, showed less signs of emotions. She had been proven wrong. King could not talk like the demons she had in her realm, but she could tell he understood everything going on in his own way. 

She heard a knock on the door, snapping her out of her reverie. She turned around and saw Eda peeking in with a friendly smile on her face.

"Oh, you're up." She stated, sounding surprised.

"Was I not supposed to be?" Luz asked, clearly not understanding Eda's remark.

"No, it's just, I don't know many teenagers that would up this early in the morning." Eda explained, chuckling softly.

"You know other teenagers? No offence, but you seemed more of a recluse to me."

Eda looked to be in thought for a second, before stating, "fair point." 

"Anyway, breakfast is ready. Come on, downstairs kid." 

Luz's eyes lit up at the mention of food. She felt a rumble in her stomach, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since... well, she wasn't sure. "Breakfast?" she asked eagerly.

"Yeah." Eda wanted to question the girl's sudden change in attitude. The girl for once looked her own age, not as if she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. "Come on," Eda gestured for Luz to come. "You should eat before it gets cold."

Luz followed Eda out of the room and down the stairs. King was following behind them. 

Luz felt curious and hungry at the same time. She wondered what kind of food Eda had prepared for her. What did humans eat for breakfast? Was it anything like what she ate in the Boiling Isles?

Luz walked into the kitchen, and was surprised. A sweet scent she could only akin to fairy pies hit her nose. There were stacks of something on the table and a bottle filled with some kind of brown liquid.

"Sit, and dig in." Eda gestured to the table. 

Luz sat down at the table, a little unsure of the setup. 

She watched in curiosity as Eda grabbed a plate and piled a couple of the round, light brown disks onto it. She placed it in front of Luz, along with the bottle. 

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