Chapter 1: The Human Realm?!

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She woke up on the floor of a stranger's living room, feeling groggy and disoriented. She had no memory of how she had ended up there, or why she had fallen asleep on the carpet. She rubbed her eyes and tried to recall the events of the previous night.

A soft meow reminded her that she was not alone. She turned her head and saw a black cat curled up on the couch next to a young girl's feet. The girl was still asleep, but she looked familiar. She was wearing a dark cloak and a pointed hat, and she had a broomstick leaning against the wall. She claimed to be a witch, but that was ridiculous. It must have been a Halloween costume or something.

"Oh, right," she muttered to herself. "I guess it wasn't a dream."

She remembered finding the girl lying on the street, bleeding from several cuts caused by broken glass. She had felt sorry for her and decided to help her. She had put her in her car and driven her to her house, where she had cleaned and bandaged her wounds. She had hoped that it was all a bad dream, but apparently it was not.

She noticed that the girl was stirring in her sleep. She seemed to be waking up soon.

She got up from the floor and walked over to the couch. She bent down to check on the girl's condition.

The girl groaned in pain. "Ugh, what hit me?"

She slowly opened her eyes. She squinted as the bright sunlight streaming through the windows hurt her vision. She covered her eyes with her hand and tried to adjust to the light.

She opened her eyes again and looked around. She saw a pair of eyes staring at her from close by. The girl gasped in surprise. "What the-?!"

She jumped up from the couch in panic.

A loud yowl followed as she accidentally kicked the sleeping cat off her legs.

"Uh, sorry," she said awkwardly.

The cat hissed at her angrily and ran away to hide behind its owner's legs.

The girl's gaze shifted from the cat to the woman who had been watching her.

"Uh, hi?" she said nervously.

She scanned the room quickly. It was nothing like what she was used to. There were no signs of life or decay, no smells of rotting flesh or blood. Instead, the room was furnished with cozy furniture and decorated with colorful paintings and plants. The walls were painted a pale yellow color that gave the room a warm atmosphere. She had no idea where she was or who this woman was.

"Where am I?" she asked anxiously. "And who in the titan are you?"

The woman had long, gray hair that fell over her shoulders. She wore a red dress that had a deliberate slit on one side, revealing her leg. She looked calm and friendly, but also mysterious and powerful.

"Titan?" Eda repeated, puzzled by the girl's strange word. She shook her head and brushed a strand of gray hair behind her ear. "My name is Eda, kid. And you're in my humble abode. I brought you here after you crashed on the roof of my car last night."

"Crashed?" Luz echoed, her eyes widening. She wanted to ask what a car was, but she decided to start with something more familiar. "You mean I fell from the sky?"

"Yeah, you did. And you made quite a dent on my car too." Eda said, pointing to a large metal object parked outside the window. It looked like a box with wheels and windows, and it had a huge hole on its top. "How are you feeling anyway? You were bleeding pretty bad when I found you."

Luz looked down at her body, which was wrapped in white bandages. Some of them were stained with red, indicating that her wounds were still fresh. She shrugged, trying to act tough. She had been through worse than this. She had been captured and tortured by the Emperor's coven more than once, and she had always escaped with her life and her magic intact.

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