Chapter 9: The Field Trip Adventures

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Today marked a month since Luz had arrived on Earth. Gus and Willow had helped her become more adjusted to life here. She was starting to enjoy it greatly, even though some of the tasks Eda had her doing were... questionable. She had to jump into a dumpster for some stuff the shops had thrown away. It quite surprised Luz just how much they considered junk. She found unused, perfectly good clothes, shoes, bags, brooms, literally anything you could think of. The thing that surprised her most was the amount of food they threw out. She had grabbed cartons of eggs, bags upon bags of fruits, cheese, chocolates, and so much more. The one thing Luz had learned since being here was how wasteful humans could be.

Then there was another problem. Since she had come to Earth, she had had to fight off a few more demons from her realm. 'The Witch' had certainly become quite well known in the city. They called her 'the city's protector'. If only they knew she just might be the reason for these attacks. Luz had figured as much. It seemed too much of a coincidence that the demons were only attacking in the city she resided in.

She still hadn't figured out how she had managed to get to Earth. And that included the demons. Luz either defeated them by killing them, or they disappeared into thin air. Luz tried her best to follow them, but to no avail.

Gus and Willow, as they promised, were attempting to help her access the astral realm. Gus had heard stories of it, but as they both stated, there was no concrete proof it was even real. It could have just been people lucid dreaming. They still tried though. It first required a lot of research.

Today, however, Luz was doing something else. Her school was going on a field trip to this thing called a 'zoo'. Willow and Gus had told her it was a place where she could see lots of cool animals from all over the world.

So, there she was, on the massively long contraption that vaguely resembled a transport worm. Though, Willow was quick to correct her on the proper name. It was called a bus.

Luz and her friends were sitting on the bus. Willow and Gus sat together, since they were there ahead of her. They were both turned around, so that they could all talk. They all spoke in hushed whispers. Gus had found a new book on magic he wanted to share with Luz about. She had already confirmed or denied a few facts about magic from his other books. And the joy in his eyes when he found out he had actual cards from the demon realm!

Luz had promised to show him how to play Hexes Hold'em later on.

The friends continued to talk, until a shadow appeared over Luz.

She looked up to see the green-haired goddess- uh- nope. Nope. That was wrong. It was the green-haired girl who had saved her from Boscha. Amity. Luz had a few run-ins with Amity over the past few weeks she had been at the school. All of them either left her confused or... interested to know more about the girl. What still confused her the most was the number of times she had seen Amity when she was defending the town from the demons. Okay, it was only like three times, but still. Each time she saw Amity it was because she was running into danger instead of away from it. Like the first time when she had tried to pull Gus away from a slug worm's mouth. The last time she had watched Amity push a little girl out of the way of a falling street lamp that a slitherbeast had knocked over.

"May I sit here?" Amity asked, pointed the seat beside Luz. "It's, uh, the only one left..."

"Oh, yes! O-of course!" Luz stammered. 

She moved her bag off the seat and scooted over closer to the window. Amity slid in next to her.

Luz looked down at Amity's arm. It was wrapped in some bandages. 

She noticed Amity looking at her.


Why do I keep stammering around her? Why am I so nervous?

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