Chapter 23: A Dark Figure

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 As soon as they saw the witches take off, they knew they were too late. Just because the witches disappeared didn't mean they couldn't find them. They could sense their magic trail and follow it.

A lone figure watched from a distance as a group of witches flew out of an apartment building and vanished into thin air. 

They had been tracking Eda and Luz ever since they left for the apartment building. They had sensed something was wrong and their intuition was confirmed. They had tried to get there in time to be there to help when something went wrong, but they knew they were too late. They watched from the road as witches had taken them by surprise and must have kidnapped them. But they were not going to get away with it. The figure could still trace their magic trail and follow it.

They sniffed the air and caught the faint scent of Luz's distinct magic. They sprinted after it, determined to catch up with the kidnappers before they escaped. They had to rescue Eda and Luz. They had to protect them. They dashed through the city streets, weaving through cars and pedestrians. They only slowed down when they lost the scent. They were always quick to pick it back up.

The figure followed them into a forest that laid just outside of the city. As they entered the forest, they kept their ears alert, listening for any signs of danger as they moved with stealth and speed. They heard the usual noises of the city: animals, insects, sirens, horns. But nothing that made them wary. They hoped that they would reach Eda and Luz in time.

As the figure entered the dense forest, they noticed that the magic trail was fading fast. They knew that they had to act quickly if they wanted to find Eda and Luz before it was too late.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound in the bushes and dropped to the ground, holding their breath.

They quickly crawled into a nearby bush and peeked through the leaves.

To their shock, they saw a group of dark witches standing in front of them, whispering among themselves. The witches wore masks that concealed their faces, making it impossible for the figure to recognize them. But they knew that these witches were dangerous. They must have been the ones who captured Luz and Eda.

The figure let out a low hiss as they followed them from a safe distance.

They were lead through the forest and into a small clearing. There, they could see a young man in golden armour, who who they presumed to be the Golden Guard that Luz had mentioned. They could also make out Luz. She was trapped within a glowing sphere. It seemed she was unable to move or use her magic. They could also see her palisman, a small snake-like creature, who was being held by one of the other guards.

Where was Eda? The figure thought to themself. 

They watched as the Golden Guard spoke to one of the other witches. They were waiting for the Emperor to open a portal to their location.

The figure knew they had to act fast. If they waited much longer and the portal opened, they could lose Luz forever.

They ran around to the other side of the clearing, behind the Golden Guard and as close to Luz as they could get. They suspected they could break the sphere with enough force...

They climbed up a tree that had a branch that hung over the sphere. They crouched low and waited until Golden Guard turned his back on the sphere.

As he turned finally turned around and with a fierce determination, the figure aimed all their strength at the sphere that held Luz. They leapt silently with their claws extended, slashing the surface of the sphere.

"What in Titan's name was that?!" The Golden Guard exclaimed in surprise. He turned around, his eyes burning with rage. His eyes narrowed as he saw the small creature. "Get it!" He ordered the guards.

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