Chapter 8: Secret's Out

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"The authorities are now looking into the identity of 'The Witch'. The question that is now on everybody's mind - just who is she?"

The news report ended, and the TV was flicked off. 

"Kid." Eda sighed heavily, rubbing her temples. "What did I say about blending in?"

Luz shrugged. She took a sip of her cocoa that Eda had made her after she got back to the house. She felt warm and cozy in the living room, but also guilty and nervous. "I tried. It's kind of hard to stay hidden when there is a giant slitherbeast rampaging through the city." She said, trying to sound casual.

"And your friends?" Eda asked, narrowing her eyes. She knew Luz had been hanging out with those two kids from school. She didn't mind that, she wanted Luz to make friends and to fit in. What she didn't want was them knowing Luz's secret. It was too little, too late for that, however.

"They promised not to tell anyone." Luz whispered, a bit unsure. She hoped they would keep their word. They seemed nice and trustworthy, but they were also curious and excited, especially Gus.

She had gotten Gus to promise to delete the photos and videos he had taken. Though it was much to his dismay. It had taken a lot of convincing. He didn't want Luz's secret out, but he also wanted to show his club the videos. Luz, in return, had promised to answer any and all of his questions. It just couldn't have happened right away, as Luz received a fun little phone call from Eda. Of course Gus and Willow had overheard. They were surprised to say the least.

"Didn't you say that Gus kid was obsessed with magic?" Eda questioned, raising an eyebrow. She remembered Luz telling her about Gus's fascination with magic and his desire to learn more. She also knew of him from the times he tracked her down for some of her oddity objects that she had found. 

"I never said obsessed." Luz muttered. "He's just... enthusiastic." She defended her friend. She knew Gus meant well, but he was also a bit reckless and impulsive.

Eda shot her a warning look. "Well, I hope he doesn't enthusiastically tell anyone."

"He won't tell anyone. I'll make sure of it." The witch tried to reassure Eda.  She planned to talk to Gus and Willow again tomorrow, and make them understand how important it was to keep her secret.

If she was being honest with herself, she wasn't sure how much believed that statement herself. 

No. No, I can't think like that. They're my friends. They'll know to keep the secret. 

"Whatever you say, kiddo. It's your secret." Eda grabbed her own drink off the table. She swirled it around a little before taking a long drink. She needed a drink after seeing Luz plastered all across the news. And that blast... who knew the kid was so powerful.

"Speaking of secrets, why do people know you as 'the owl lady'?" Luz quoted the name her friends had told her earlier in the week. She was curious about Eda's reputation in the human world.

"Where did you hear-? Never mind." Eda waved off. She didn't want to know how many people were talking about her behind her back. "It's because I am charming, knowledgeable, and most importantly," Eda tossed her hair over her shoulder "I am a harbinger of death." Eda said the last part with a lot of pride. 

"Seriously?" Luz deadpanned. She wasn't sure if Eda was joking or not.

King chose that moment to jump out of the shadows, giving a very loud 'meow'. 

"Oh yeah, want to say that again?" Eda looked down at her cat. She knew King was mocking her.

Mrow?" King tilted his head to the side. He pretended to be innocent.

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