Chapter 29: The truth

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When Luz had regained consciousness, she quickly inquired about Adrian's whereabouts. If they could capture him, it would significantly impede the Emperor's plans for the "Day of Unity."

"He's right over there..." Gus turned to where Adrian had been lying unconscious on the ground. Notice the use of the past tense, "had been." "He's gone."

Luz let out a heavy sigh.

"Willow, can I borrow those goggles for a moment?" she asked.

Willow nodded, and Luz put on the goggles. After pressing a few buttons, instead of scanning for illusions, they scanned for footprints. She could see that Adrian had awakened at some point and left the area amidst the commotion. There was no point in pursuing him. He was likely already halfway to the castle, if not already there.

It seemed like most of the scouts had departed with him.

Luz removed the goggles and returned them to Willow. "He's long gone," she declared.

Before anyone could speak, Principal Bump had stepped forward, interrupting the conversation.

"Miss Luz, if I'm not mistaken," Bump began.

Luz nodded in agreement.

"Why is it that whenever you sneak in here, chaos ensues?" Bump questioned more to himself.

He shook his head and continued. "I want to personally thank you and your friends," he paused and looked at her four companions, who had removed their concealment stones. His curiosity was piqued by the three who appeared to be human, "for saving this school and our students."

Luz nodded in gratitude. "Thank you to your teachers and students for not letting me die," she replied.

Principal Bump smiled and assured her with a statement. "Your ban from the school will be lifted. If you ever need a safe place, Hexside's doors will always be open to you."

Luz was stunned by his reaction and fumbled for a moment, not expecting such kindness. She had anticipated some gratitude shown by promising not to report her. "Thank you," she finally managed to say.

"Now, before you and your friends leave," Principal Bump interjected, "I must ask, what did you do with my students' identities that you used to enter here?"

Amber stepped forward to respond. "They are all safe. We have to go, but we can send a few witches to keep watch in case more guards show up here."

Amid whispers and soft shuffling, words are exchanged, and Bump raises his hand to decline an offer. "No need," he says simply, "thank you, but we will keep an eye out from here. They won't get the better of us."

Suddenly Bump turns towards the three humans, his piercing gaze looking over them intensely. "As for you three," he says slowly, scrutinizing their faces, "you don't have any magic of your own, do you?"

As if suddenly aware of their presence, the three snapped their attention back to Bump. 

The three shared a look, then glanced at Luz. 

Taking a step forward, Luz spoke up, revealing that they had come from the human realm to assist her. A murmur of disbelief rippled through the crowd.

Humans from the human realm? It was never heard of before except a faint whisper of the past that was chalked up to no more than a silly little bedtime story.

"I thought as much." Bump smiled. 

He turned back to the three. "Those gadgets you are using are from the school. They do not belong to the students you borrowed them from. So," He paused, turning his attention to Gus. "I want you to keep that wand. You do well with it."

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