Lumity Special: Sports

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Today was a sports day at school. That meant everyone was let out of their classes and forced outside for a day of 'fun'. Was it fun? That would depend on who you asked. Half of the eleventh grade was forced into a game of baseball. 

Now, what happens when you force a bunch of non-athletic teens into a game with a ball and a bat? And a witch that does not understand the game at all. Well...

The crowd cheered as Gus stepped up to the plate, ready to bat. His team had three players on the bases, and he was their last hope. Luz watched nervously from the sidelines, clutching her bat. She had never played baseball before, and she barely understood how it worked. She had seen people hit the ball with the bat and run around the field, but that seemed too simple. Gus didn't even do that. He stumbled as he swung the bat, losing his balance and spinning around. The bat flew out of his hands and hit Amity in the back of her knee with a loud thud. Amity was the catcher for the rival team, and she crumpled to the ground, holding her leg and groaning.

Luz gasped and ran to her aid, followed by a guilt-ridden Gus. She heard Boscha's snide laughter from the other team, taunting Amity for her misfortune.

Luz and Gus helped Amity limp off the field and settled her on the bench. Gus asked if she wanted to see the nurse. Amity shook her head, stating that she would be okay. She wanted to  to watch the game and cheer for her friends. Luz offered to stay with her, but Amity told her to go and play. 

"You're up next, right? Go on ahead, I'll be fine. I want to see you hit a home run!" 

Luz smiled, a small blush forming. She nervously nodded her head and did as she was told, wondering what a home run was as she walked away.

Luz stood on the first base, holding the bat as Amity had taught her in a quick lesson before the game. She felt a surge of adrenaline as she faced the pitcher. The ball came hurling towards her, and she swung the bat with all her might. She felt a satisfying crack as the bat connected with the ball. Luz dropped the bat and ran to the next base, but Willow stopped her with a frantic wave of her hand.

"No! Luz, that ball was a foul! You have to try again!" Willow yelled.

Luz stopped running, and looked very confused. "But it didn't smell funny to me."

Luz didn't know what a foul ball was. She thought it meant that the ball was dirty or rotten.


Luz looked over to where the voice came from. There, against the fence, was Amity. Luz could tell she was in pain. Amity clung to the fence for stability, not putting any weight on the hurt leg. 

"Luz, that's not what it means! It means that you hit the ball outside of the field! You have to hit it inside!" Amity explained to Luz what she had to do.

"Oh, okay!" Luz waved off, running back to homebase to try again. 

She got in position to hit the ball again. Boscha threw the ball. The ball neared, and Luz swung her bat. Everyone watched in disbelief as it soared through the air.

Amity continued to lean on the fence for support. She saw Luz's amazing hit and couldn't believe her eyes.

"Was that one okay?" Luz asked, clearly confused.

She heard Amity groan from behind her, "Luz, you fool! Run!" 

"Oh, okay!" 

She ran as fast as she could. Everyone watched as she ran, and as the other players scrambled to catch the ball she hit clear across the field.

Luz hit the first plate, getting ready to slow down. She had seen the others stop after one plate, so that had to right. Right?

"No! What are you doing?!" Willow screamed at her. "Run!"

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