Chapter 19: Suspension

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The next day Luz was summoned to the principal's office. She was sitting in her first period with Willow when she heard her name over the intercom. Luz entered the office, she was surprised and confused to see Eda sitting there not looking very pleased.

"Miss Noceda, take a seat, please." Her principal directed.

Luz nodded, taking a seat beside Eda. She looked over to Eda with a questioning gaze. Eda seemed to ignore her, keeping her eyes firmly on the principal.

"Now, it's been brought to my attention that you were in an altercation with one of your classmates; Boscha, correct?" The principal started.

Luz rose an eyebrow, remaining silent. Was that what this was about?

"Boscha came in here after you ran out of school yesterday. She claimed that you punched her. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

Eda looked at Luz with a puzzled expression. 

She truly couldn't believe that Luz would do something like that, unless she was provoked first. She was shocked when she got the phone call that morning, asking her to come to the school. She was even more shocked when she heard the reason why.

Yesterday, Luz had come home with a huge grin on her face. Eda didn't remember a time when  she had seen the kid so happy since she arrived in this world. Eda didn't pry, not wanting to ruin Luz's good mood. Her kid had been so depressed for the couple of weeks, especially after finding out about her mom. Eda was just glad to see Luz happy. She deserved it.

"Really?" Luz asked. "Did Boscha tell you what provoked this 'altercation'?"

"You admit that you punched her?" The principal asked again for clarification.

"Yes, because she was bullying me. She had me cornered against a wall and wouldn't let me go, so I punched her." Luz explained, starting to feel very annoyed. 

"That is irrelevant, we do not tolerate the use of physical violence at this school. You must write a letter of apology to Boscha."

Luz gripped the arm of the chair, not believing what he was saying. "What?!"

Eda raised her hand, silencing Luz. 

Luz sat back down with a huff. 

"She will do no such thing."

The principal sighed. "Miss Clawthorne, you must understand the seriousness of this situation."

"You mean where the school doesn't tolerate physical violence-" Eda mocked. She stood up, towering over the principal. She pointed a finger at him. "-but you won't do anything about the bullying that causes it?!"

"Miss Clawthorne, I would urge you to calm down. What your charge did-"

"Was self-defense." Eda cut him off. "My kid-" Eda corrected. "-defended herself, and she will not be punished for that."

"According to school policy, if she is not willing to apologize and make amends with the victim-"

"Victim?!" Luz exclaimed. "She was bullying me!"

"According to school policy, you are suspended for one week. You may come back next week when you have hopefully had a chance to reflect on your actions." The principal said, leaving no room for argument.

"Fine. Luz, let's go." Eda put a hand on Luz's shoulder, leading her out of the office. Eda turned back when she reached the door. "If you think this kid will be doing anything but having fun over the next week, you're wrong. She has nothing to reflect on, but you do. And you will have more to reflect on when I contact the superintendent."

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