Chapter 28: Adrian

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Luz had met up with her friends very shortly after the bell rang signalling the end of class. According to Amber they had fifteen minutes before their second period started. 

"How're you three feeling? What'd the nurse say?" Luz asked her friends, her voice laced with concern.

"We're fine, just a bit of a sore throat. The nurse said that we were extremely lucky." Willow replied. 

"She also mentioned that you guys were lucky that the professor gave you that healing potion in time. She said if he didn't, your lungs could have been permanently scarred." Amity filled in the remaining details. 

"Dang... and I thought I messed up Amity and I's potion." Luz laughed nervously. "How fast were you stirring yours?" 

Amber and Willow looked towards Gus who gave a sheepish shrug. "I wanted it done faster." 

"Ha! No worries! You should've seen the first potion I made." Luz replied, remembering that time with a friend of her mother's. "We were trying a simple blast potion. It's supposed to explode when you throw it. Not enough to injure anyone, only startle them... Anyways, instead of exploding it released a toxic gas that killed every living thing in a five hundred meter radius."

Their eyes widened in shock. 

"Jeez, Luz. When you said you were bad at potions, you weren't kidding." Amity joked. 

"Yeah..." Luz chuckled nervously. "We ended up scrapping and destroying any traces of that potion we had. Didn't want anyone figuring out what was in it." 

"Good idea." Amber butted in. 

"So... what now?" Gus asked, noticing the conversation had ended.

It was then that the bell monster had screamed, signalling second period was about to begin.

"Time to head to second period where we get to learn about more potions!" Amber replied with fake enthusiasm. 


The group of five had successfully made it through their next couple of classes without incident. Luckily, their second potions class was about the theory of potions and breaking down the uses of certain ingredients. So while they were mixing things, they at least weren't left to their own devices.

Their third class was about the history of the Isles. The class was unfortunately taught by a very enthused teacher who seemed to adore the Emperor. He wouldn't stop talking about how great of a man the Emperor was and went into detail about how the Emperor came into power and that he alone could speak with the titan.

Amity leaned closer to Luz, whispering quietly so that she wouldn't be caught. "Is any of that true?"

"According to the history books." Luz rolled her eyes. "He's adding a lot of his own biases into it, though."

"...and it was on that day that our fair and just Emperor emerged from the heart of the titan that he had fully connected with him; in mind, body, and spirit. It was thanks to him truly communing with the titan that he was truly able to put an end to the savage ages. That was why his castle was built over top of the heart. And since then, that is where the Emperor's throne room resides."

Luz rolled her eyes as she tried to drown out the professor of this class.

Though, that part about the throne room was at least partially interesting. Sure, Luz knew where the castle was, but she wasn't aware of where the Emperor may like to spend his free time.

Luz shot her hand up.

The professor saw her hand and pointed her out.

"Yes?" he said.

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