Chapter 4: First Day!

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Luz scanned the class as the secretary introduced her to the teacher. All eyes were on her, scrutinizing her. It was a bit unnerving. She had never been the center of attention before. At least, not the kind where she didn't have to run for her life. She liked the change of pace. She wondered if anyone in here would be a friend to her.

"Welcome Luz!" Luz turned her attention towards a short woman who stood at the front of the class. The woman was on the shorter side, reaching up to Luz's shoulders. She also had dark purple hair and glasses. "It is nice to meet you. I am your teacher, Miss Meyer."

"Uh..." Luz stuttered momentarily, before she smiled. "Likewise."

She turned towards the class as the teacher gave a brief talk about making Luz feel at home. Luz's cheeks burned from the further attention she was getting.

"Why don't you take a seat beside, oh, let's see..." The teacher hummed, while taking a glance at her class.

Luz had dealt with a few bullies in her realm. She assumed it came with the territory of school. At least, she could assume. She hoped the teacher didn't feel the need to put her next to someone like that.

"Willow, can you raise your hand, dear?"

Luz's eyes cast over the students, looking for the person Miss Meyer was addressing. There, a girl with dark blue hair and a rounded face raised her hand up, giving a small wave over. She wore a friendly smile and a green uniform that indicated she was in the plant track. Luz smiled back as she walked over to her new classmate. She deemed that the girl seemed friendly enough. Luz slid into the vacant chair beside this 'Willow'.

"Hi! I'm Willow, it's nice to meet you." Willow held out her hand.

Luz looked at the hand in hesitation. Was she supposed to do something with it?

In the few 'how to act like a human' courses that Eda had given her, she could not remember a single thing about a hand being presented to her.

"Hi?" Luz questioned. "I'm Luz Noceda. It's nice to meet you, too."

Willow saw the confusion of the new girl at the act of the hand. She thought the girl just didn't want to shake her hand, but she quickly realized that wasn't the case. Willow knew the girl didn't know what to do with it.

"You shake it." Willow explained, "it's how people greet each other."

"Oh! Now I get it!" Luz grabbed Willow's wrist and proceeded to shake her arm up and down very roughly.

"Whoa." Willow looked shocked at the sudden jerking movement. She placed her other hand on her desk to stabilize herself.

Luz felt every eye in the room on her. She realized she messed up again. That was definitely not what Willow had meant.

She grabbed at the edges of the hat, pulling it further down over her face. Her face burned in embarrassment as she heard people talking about her.

"Alright class, settle down." Miss Meyer clapped her hands, causing the class to quiet down a bit. "Let's get started with today's lesson."

The talking may have quieted down, but the stares and the whispers continued on about the new 'weird' girl.

"Hey," Luz felt a hand on her shoulder. "Don't listen to them, alright? It was one mistake. And it was kind of funny."

Luz looked up to her seatmate who gave her a kind smile. It seemed Luz's earlier assumptions were true about this girl. Luz gave her a smile back.

Luz turned her attention towards the teacher who had begun to drone on about something called 'polynomials'. Luz watched curiously as the teacher started to draw a series of numbers and letters on the board. Luz tilted her head in confusion. What was she supposed to do with those?

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