Story of the Isles 2: King

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Long ago, when the world was young and wild, there lived giant beasts called titans. They were the first and the greatest of all creatures, for they possessed immense power and wisdom. They shaped the land with their bodies and their magic, creating mountains and valleys, rivers and lakes, forests and plains. They were the guardians and the rulers of the world, and they were revered as gods by the other creatures.

The titans were considered to be powerful, wise, and all knowing. They were benevolent and generous, and they shared their knowledge and their magic to the other creatures of the lands. They taught the other creatures how to live in harmony with nature, how to use magic to enhance their lives, and how to respect the balance of all things. 

For many years and many millennia, the world was peaceful and harmonious. The titans and the other creatures lived in a golden age of prosperity and enlightenment. But then, something changed. 

At first, it was just one. A new being came from the stars. They called themself The Collector. They had traveled across the cosmos, observing the wonders of creation. They had seen many worlds and many civilizations, but none like this one. They were fascinated by the titans and their world, and they wanted to learn more about them. They wanted to see their magic, their culture, their history.

They approached the titans with respect and admiration. They asked them if he could play with their young ones, who were much smaller than the ancient titans. They said he saw them from above and wanted nothing more then to play with them. They wanted to befriend them and teach them about his own world.

The titans were wary of this stranger, for they sensed a hidden strength and danger in them.

They feared what this being might they able to do. That they might harm or corrupt their offspring. But they also saw a spark of curiosity and innocence in their eyes. They seemed to be genuinely interested in their culture and their magic. They seemed to be harmless and friendly. 

The titans decided to give them a chance, and they allowed them to visit their den where the young ones lived and played. The den was a large cave that was filled with soft pillows, colorful toys, and magical objects. The young ones were curious and playful, eager to learn new things and have fun. They welcomed The Collector with joy and excitement. 

The Collector had agreed not to use magic around the babies, as they didn't have any of their own just yet.

The young ones were guarded by teenage titans who were about the size of an adult witch. They had some magic of their own, but not as much as their elders. They were still learning how to control and master their powers. They were instructed to watch over The Collector and make sure that they did not use any magic around the babies, who had not yet awakened their own powers. 

The Collector agreed to follow their rules, and he joined the young ones in their games and activities. They showed them their own toys and gadgets that they had brought from their own world. They told them stories about their travels and their adventures. They taught them new words and concepts that babies had never heard before.

And so, they spent the time playing with the babies, enjoying the childlike wonder that the Archivists didn't have. They played games like hide and seek and tag. They were having the best time of their life. The Collector didn't remember the last time they had so much fun!

This continued on for a while, and eventually the days turned into weeks.

As time passed, the bond between The Collector and the titans grew stronger. 

And for a while, everything was peaceful and happy. The Collector and the titans enjoyed each other's company and learned a lot from each other. The Collector shared their knowledge and stories from their travels across the universe, showing them the wonders and mysteries of creation. The titans showed The Collector secrets of the ancient magic that they had inherited from their ancestors, teaching them how to use it to connect with nature and the cosmos. It was a beautiful exchange of knowledge and friendship that enriched both parties.

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