Lumity Special 3: Gym Class

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Luz's suspension was over. Eda had kept her promise and they'd enjoyed a fun-filled week! Eda didn't do any work-related stuff, and the lack of demon attacks made it even better. They spent the week (when Luz wasn't sick) watching old movies and TV shows, going to the mall, and visiting the aquarium. Luz marveled at all the fish, turtles, and sharks!

Luz wasn't thrilled to be back at school. Sure, she happy to be back to some sense of normalcy. She loved that she would get to see her friends and adorable girlfriend again. She just dreaded seeing Boscha. What brightened her week was when Gus and Willow stopped by and told her what had happened at school. Apparently, the principal had dragged everyone into the assembly hall and lectured them on the use of school resources. He had discovered that someone had photocopied his pictures all over the school using the school's photocopier. 

Luz had busted out laughing, having it completely made her day. He even went as far as interrogating much of the students. Of course, he never found out who did it. It was then that Luz felt the need to come clean. To say her friends were shocked and impressed was an understatement. They said it was one of the best school days they had and that she was the one behind it made it even better!

That led to Luz walking into the school. She had met up with Amity out front so that she wouldn't have to worry about walking in alone. The whole group had agreed they wouldn't leave Luz alone for a second in the halls on her own. They didn't want to risk another incident with Boscha. 

The two girlfriends stood in front of the lockers with the other two friends.

As they chatted and caught up on all the scandalous gossip of the past week, Luz noticed a group of students whispering and glancing at them. She felt self-conscious, wondering if they were talking about her and Amity.

Luz nudged Amity and pointed at the group of students. "Hey, do you think they're talking about us?" she asked in a low voice.

Amity looked over and frowned. "Maybe. Why do you care?"

Luz shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like everyone's staring at us."

Amity wrapped an arm around Luz's waist and pulled her closer. "Some people might find it weird to see two girls dating. They'll get over it."

Luz pushed against Amity, holding her at arms length. "Wait... why would that be weird?"

Amity let go of Luz, looking at over at Gus and Willow for help. 

Luz looked between the three of them. "What?" 

Gus cleared his throat, not sure how to address the issue. He started by asking the basic question first. "Luz, do you know what homophobia is?"

Luz shook her head. "No. Is that some kind of disease? Gus, if you're sick, I can try to heal you. I'm not the best at healing, but-"

Amity facepalmed. She grabbed her girlfriend's hand in her own and pulled her aside. "No, Luz. Homophobia is not a disease," she whispered. "It's a term for people who don't like or even fear when someone else isn't in a so-called 'normal' relationship between a man and a woman."

Luz blinked. Her eyes widened in disbelief. "That is so stupid!" she exclaimed.

Amity smiled sadly. She stroked Luz's cheek with her thumb. "I agree, Luz. It is stupid. But unfortunately, it's also very common in this world."

Luz frowned. She was unsure of how to process that information. That certainly didn't exist in her world. Sure, people had their preferences, but it was okay to like anyone. "I don't understand though... why would someone hate someone else just because of who they like? Jeez... I'm wanted in my world for not wanting to conform to others' ideology. And now you're telling me I could be a target in this world for the sole reason of liking a girl..?" she asked, feeling frustrated and confused.

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