Chapter 15: It's looking up!

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The Saturday had come and gone. Luz had spent the whole day locked up in her room. Eda had come to check on her multiple times throughout the day. At first, she didn't think anything of it. Eda figured her child would need some space in the morning. She grew a bit more concerned around lunch time, though, when she didn't hear the familiar patter of feet up and about. It was then, she brought a simple grilled cheese and cup of hot cocoa into the witch's room. Luz had claimed to be just feeling a bit more tired then normal after her fight yesterday. Eda accepted the response, but her worry didn't diminish. For extra reassurance, she had left King in the room. The cat didn't need to be told. As soon as Luz's door was open, he charged right on in, and curled right up next to Luz. Eda had left them both alone, until she came to check on them again around dinner. The sandwich had gone uneaten. What was most concerning was the untouched mug. Luz loved chocolate. It was why she always brought it for her whenever she was feeling down. Eda had replaced the cup with a fresh one, and took away the sandwich. She left a bowl of pasta instead in case Luz had changed her mind. 

Eda had checked on Luz later that night. Luz was still in the same spot, giving absolutely no sign of having moved at all. King had repositioned himself at the foot of the bed. Eda looked at the uneaten pasta, and the cocoa that went untouched once again. She sat down on the edge of the bed, and placed a comforting hand on Luz's shoulder. Her witch didn't react. Eda tried her best to strike up a conversation, but was ignored once again. With a quick goodnight, and a reminder that she was just down the hall if Luz did want to talk, she left the room. After she shut the door, she swore she could hear the faintest sounds of crying. 

The sun shone brightly through the window of Eda's bedroom, signaling it was finally morning. It had been a long night of worry and planning. Eda had no plan on letting Luz waste another day in bed. She had planned what should be a fun day for the kid, but first, the hard part. She actually had to get Luz out of bed. And for this day to happen, she'd need reinforcements. 

Eda had gone down the stairs and into Luz's bag. There, she found the girl's phone. She wouldn't normally go snooping through things... yes she would. She quickly got into it, finding it didn't even have a password on it. Oh, how she needed to have a conversation with Luz about that. Anyone could go through her phone easily! This instance didn't count. 

Eda scrolled until she found the two friends that knew Luz's secret. She knew the Blight girl could bring Luz out of the funk, but she needed Luz to talk about her feelings. Not hide them behind a terrible mask of teenaged angst. 

Eda found Willow's number on Luz's phone and pressed the call button. She waited for the flower obsessed girl to answer the phone. 

"Hey Luz!" Willow's chipper voice came through the phone.

"Not Luz, Tweedledum." Eda stated, inspecting her nails.

"Eda?" Willow questioned.

"Look, I'm not explaining over the phone. Luz is in a funk, and hasn't come out of her room since after the dance. Think you and Goops can get your butts over here to help me haul her out of bed?" 

"We'll be there in an hour."

"Great! And don't bring the not-a-girlfriend, this is an otherworldly issue." Eda hung up, and placed the phone back in Luz's bag. 

Now what? 

Eda decided it was best to make up a batch of pancakes. She was nice yesterday, and brought food into the room for her. She hadn't eaten a thing. Whatever was going on in that girl's head, she had to find a way to work through it. Not sulk about it. 

After Eda had finished flipping the girl's pancakes, she made her way up to the witch's room. There, in the same position, she still laid. This time, however, King had made his way to her face, where he swatted at the purple tips of her hair. 

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