Chapter 3: Who

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AN: I will be uploading a chapter every Saturday! Maybe one in the week as well depending how much I'm working on the book! Also, I saw the finale! I was literally crying and I'm so heartbroken that it's over! It was so perfect!

Luz had woken up very early this morning. After a few days of Eda keeping her locked in the house, she was finally able to begin school! She couldn't sleep from all of the excitement, so she opted to go sit on the veranda to take in the place which Eda called a "city". It was apparently called Rock Lake City.

Luz just couldn't get over how amazing this place looked. There were buildings taller than the bones of the isles. They were covered in nothing but glass, and seemed to reach the sky. Luz was so tempted to materialize her staff and go for a flight just so she could find out how far the tops of the towers reached.

Eda had also given Luz a run down of the city on a short outing the day before. This had apparently been needed when Luz tried to run away from a bird, thinking it was going to try to eat her skin. Eda then had to explain that, no, there were no flesh eating monsters on Earth.

Luz was feeling better about living here for the time being. She would still look for a way back to her world, but there was no reason she couldn't stay here for a while, right?

As the sun started to rise, some strange small, brown bird landed on the veranda next to Luz.

"Oh, so cute!" Luz mewed. "Who are you little guy?" 

"Who?" The bird hooted back.

"Yes, who?" 

"Who, who!" It sounded again.

"Who is who?" Luz asked.

This went back and forth for another minute or so. Luz was growing increasingly agitated at the bird who kept responding back the same way.

"Who are you?!" Luz shouted.

"What are you doing?" A voice sounded behind her.

Luz jumped, startled at the sudden intrusion. "Oh, Eda! Nothing is going on. I was trying to ask the bird thing who it was, but it keeps responding 'who'!" she explained.

"Who!" The owl responded happily. It flew up and landed on Eda's shoulder.

"See!" Luz pointed to the owl. "He's mocking me!" 

"Luz, calm down." Eda chuckled. "Animals don't talk here, remember? This is an owl. His name is Hooty. I rescued him years ago, and since then he's made this his home. And he's not asking "who" he is saying "hoo". That's just the sound that owls make." 

Luz's mouth formed an "oh", as the information finally set in. 

"It's alright, kid." Eda ruffled Luz's hair. "You'll get the hang of this world eventually."

"Hoo!" Hooty hooted, rotating his head to the side. Luz could have sworn she saw him smirk. 

She decided already that he was being annoying on purpose.

The owl flew down from Eda's shoulders and landed in front of King. It hopped forward, as the cat took a step back. 

King hissed at Hooty, swiping his claws at him. Hooty hooted in glee before he proceeded to fly up and chase King around the house. 

"He annoys people on purpose, doesn't he?" 

"Yes, yes he does. Unfortunately, you'll see a lot of him around here. He's sort of taken on a role of protecting this house though. He's a pain in my backside, but he makes a great defence system." Eda said proudly. "I do have another owl that hangs around here, but he tends to stay hidden."

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