Chapter 11: It started as a normal day

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Luz had arranged to meet up with her friends at a coffee shop, but she texted Willow to say that she was running late. Amity, Willow, and Gus all decided to go ahead and order their drinks while they waited for Luz.

As they waited, Amity pointed up to the TV, where a news report was showing a video of 'The Witch'. "This just in: fifteen minutes ago, a bank robbery attempt in the Farside district was foiled by our city's mysterious protector. Two suspects were arrested..."

The video showed a masked figure in a purple cloak, wielding a staff that shot out violet energy blasts. The figure fought off the robbers with ease, using magic and agility. The staff folded away, and a snake like creature appeared. It helped by transforming into various objects, distracting the robbers.

The café door chimed, and Luz rushed in, apologizing for being late. The three friends turned to her in shock. "Hey!" they greeted her.

"Sorry I'm late. It- It was the traffic," Luz explained, clearly out of breath. 

"I thought you walked here," Amity pointed out. "Willow said you were stuck at The Owl House helping Eda with something."

Luz wore a purple beanie that strangely looked familiar to a certain snake shifter that Gus and Willow knew all too well. The two friends looked at each other with a knowing smirk. It appeared that Luz had forgotten her beanie and utilized her palisman as a hat instead.

"Oh yeah," Luz said, waving it off. She was clearly too tired to come up with a lie. "I'm going to grab something to drink."

As Luz ordered a coffee, Amity watched her curiously. She had grown used to Luz's eccentricities, but this was a bit extra. 

"One bitter bean blood, please." Luz ordered with a yawn.

"You mean a coffee?" The barista asked, clearly confused.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure." Luz waved off.

Amity looked back at the TV, which was still covering 'The Witch'. She had become curious about the city's hero, who had appeared out of nowhere. Initially, she was seen fighting only strange creatures, but now, she was also helping out with more mundane issues, such as the bank robbery. The mysterious protector had become quite popular, and Amity found herself wondering who she might be.

Amity squinted her eyes as she saw a still image appear on the screen. She then looked back towards Luz. 

"Is it just me," Amity turned towards Gus and Willow, looking a bit skeptical. "Or does every time that 'The Witch' shows up, Luz is nowhere to be found?"

Amity looked back towards Luz. "Do you think it's possible that they are the same person?"

She turned back towards the screen, missing the nervous looks of the original duo. The Witch appeared on the screen once again. She gave a confident wink to the camera as she waved herself off.

Amity turned back towards Luz. She cringed as Luz scratched her butt, picked her nose, then wiped it off on her shirt. Amity cringed in disgust. She rolled her eyes at the prospect of even thinking that in the first place. "As if."

Luz came over with her coffee in hand. She, clearly not paying attention to anything, took a seat next to Amity. That caused Amity to bump into Willow, and Willow to bump into Gus. They all had to move over. 

"Huh?" Luz finally came to, must have noticed the domino effect. "Oh, sorry guys. Didn't sleep too well last night."

There seemed to be some unspoken message between the original trio. Something that made Amity a bit curious, but also feeling left out. She felt that they had some kind of secret that they weren't telling her. This just reawakened the feeling that she was the outcast in the group. And there was no one else to blame, but herself. She was the one who distanced herself from Willow all of those years ago. The two had talked it through, but as Willow had stated, it was a small first step at repairing things between the two of them.

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