Chapter 21: The Letter

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Luz was starting to grow worried by the lack of magic attacks in the past couple of weeks. Sure, she was happy at the beginning. It was a much needed break. She enjoyed spending time with Eda, her friend, and Amity without worrying about being attacked by demons. 

But she knew the Emperor wanted her. And she knew the Golden Guard knew where she was... So why did they stop attacking? Was it because they realized that the magic attacks weren't working? Were they planning a different tactic?

She shivered at the thought. She felt like a mouse waiting for the cat to pounce.

Then there was also the fact that Lilith, Eda's sister, knew of her past. She had quickly put it together that the Golden Guard must have gotten to her. He must have told her that Luz was a human from another world. 

If that were the case, she really had to watch her back. By the looks of it, Lilith didn't want to hurt humans. She had warned Luz to stay away from Amity...

This was something she had yet to tell anyone... Amity was the one who knew the most, but she was only aware of the fact that Lilith was Eda's sister and she knew of Luz's secret. So far, it hadn't been a cause for alarm.

Luz had actually seen no sign of Lilith. It would make sense. Eda had said she had gone years without seeing Lilith, despite them living in the same city. But Luz couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. She had a nagging suspicion that something was going to happen, and she thought that Lilith and the Golden Guard may have something to do with it.

She was scared, terrified even, that they were planning something big, something that would put her friends in danger. What if they tried to kidnap her? What if they tried to hurt Amity or Gus or Willow? What if they tried to destroy her world?

She thought she had to do this alone. She thought she could figure it out alone, but she couldn't. The nights she had sneaked out to try and find the Golden Guard and came up empty handed were a testament to that. And so, she finally decided to confide in Eda, hoping she would have some advice or insight.

Luz got up off the chair on the balcony. It was where she did her best thinking. Eda usually left her alone if she was here, knowing the young witch needed some time and space to think once in a while.

Luz walked down the stairs and into the living room. She found Eda watching a horror movie. King was sitting up, seeming engaged in the movie as well. And to Luz's surprise, Stringbean had made herself at home stealing popcorn out of Eda's bowl alongside Owlbert and Hooty. She chuckled at the sight as Eda halfheartedly scolded the snake shifter and owls. It was all an act. Luz could tell by the faint smirk of amusement on Eda's face.

Luz looked downcast. She hated to ruin this moment for them, but she had no choice. She had to tell Eda what was bothering her.

"Hey Eda, can I talk to you for a minute?" Luz asked nervously.

Eda looked up, noticing something was off right away. She saw Luz's sad expression and worried eyes. She paused the movie and gave the witch her full attention. "What's up, kiddo?" she asked gently.

Luz sat down on the couch parallel to Eda. Stringbean, noticing her owner wasn't her usual self, flew over and snuggled around Luz's neck. Luz gave her palisman a scratch. She felt a surge of gratitude for her loyal friend.

She dropped her hands in her lap, and fumbled around with her fingers. She felt nervous and scared. She didn't know how Eda would react to what she had to say.

Luz took a deep breath and told Eda everything that had happened with Lilith. She explained to her that she worried that the Golden Guard had gotten to Lilith. She told her about Lilith's warning to stay away from Amity. She told her about her suspicion that the Golden Guard was planning something big.

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