Lumity Special 2: The Common Cold

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Luz had woken up one morning feeling unwell. Eda had been waiting for the familiar sound of feet running eagerly down the stairs for breakfast, but nothing came. She found it odd, as Luz was always such an early bird.

She figured Luz was exhausted from the previous night and decided to let her sleep in. There was no real reason for her to be up early anyway, not with her still being suspended from school.

But when the minutes ticked by and a full hour had passed, Eda had grown concerned. She decided to go check on her witch.

Eda had climbed up the stairs and reached Luz's room. She knocked on the door and listened for a response. 

"Luz?" Eda knocked, listening for a response. 


Eda knocked a bit louder. "I'm coming in." 

Eda placed her hand on the doorknob and turned. The door opened up, allowing her into Luz's room. She looked in to see Luz still snuggled deep under the covers with her head barely poking out.

Eda saw Luz curled up under the covers with only her head showing. Eda smiled softly, but then noticed how bad Luz looked. She was sweating and shaking.

Eda walked over and sat on the opposite side of the bed. She reached over and gently shook Luz awake.

Luz's eyes slowly opened up. She appeared to be disoriented, as her eyes were looking around rapidly, unable to focus on anything.

"Hey, Luz, how are you feeling?" Eda asked in a soft voice.

"Heya, Eda." Luz said, her voice raspy.

Luz tried to smile, but it was clear she was in pain.

Eda frowned. She touched Luz's forehead. Luz was burning up, much hotter than usual.

"I feel funny..." Luz's speech slurred. 

Eda sighed. "I think you have a cold, kiddo."

"A mold?" Luz echoed, trying to understand what Eda meant through her hazy mind.

"The mold?" Eda questioned with an amused smirk.

"Yeah... the mold. It's a common illness on the Boiling Isles. It's nothing. You get mushrooms in your hair." Luz explained, clearly a bit out of it.

Eda rose an eyebrow, clearly amused.

"Mi mamá me cuidaba. (My mom took care of me)" Luz replied. She lifted her head up, looking around confused. "¿Dónde está mi mamá? (Where is my mom?)"

Eda frowned. She didn't speak much Spanish, but she didn't need to, to know Luz was completely out of it. She knew enough Spanish to know Luz was looking for her mother.

Eda grabbed Luz's shoulders, and forced her back under the covers. 

"I don't think this is the mold, kiddo. This is an Earth illness, and it seems to be affecting you differently." Eda said, feeling worried.

"I'm on Earth?" Luz gasped, looking over at Eda. "Wow! Mi papá used to tell me stories about this place! I want to look around!" Luz pulled the covers back and jumped out of bed.

Eda winced as she watched Luz face-plant straight onto the floor.

She jumped in surprise when Luz was back up not even a few seconds later.

"Oh, my fingers glow." Luz said, as she was enthralled by the faint glow of her fingers.

Eda's eyes widened as she watched Luz draw a circle in the air. "Wait, Luz, don't-!" 

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