Chapter 33: The Day of Unity

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Several days had passed since the group had started strategizing, and finally, they had a plan in mind. With the Day of Unity looming just a couple of days away and the other groups making progress, they decided it was time for a full-frontal assault on the Emperor before that could happen. 

However, their situation was far from ideal. The former coven heads had been discovered and marked as traitors, leaving the group with no viable means of sneaking into the Emperor's stronghold undetected. Hope appeared when Raine mentioned a few tunnels they were familiar with. It was decided that they would use these tunnels to infiltrate the fortress, relying on their ability to blend in with the guards in order to reach the Emperor and, hopefully, rescue Luz.

Unfortunately, that also left them with one plan of action. They had to sneak in with the crowds on the Day of Unity.

Lilith and Steve were set to return soon, along with their party. The anticipation built as they waited for their arrival, knowing that their return would mean reliving the events of what had happened. They were the only ones who had not be informed.

After several long hours, Lilith, Steve, and their group finally made it back to the camp. Eager to share the discoveries they had made during their absence, Lilith animatedly chatted away, her eyes glued to a stone tablet in her hands. Unbeknownst to her, she failed to notice the imposing figure of a giant winged beast sprawled in the middle of the camp. Oblivious to its presence, Lilith accidentally walked straight into the creature.

Startled by the sudden collision, Lilith quickly pulled away from the beast, spitting out a mouthful of feathers. The beast stirred from its slumber, its gaze fixing upon the smaller human before it.

Amidst the confusion, the beast couldn't help but find amusement in Lilith's predicament. Although not entirely understanding what had just transpired, it was evident that the human had walked right into her, completely oblivious to her presence.

Lilith spat out the stray feather, disgusted by the unexpected encounter. She couldn't believe what had just happened. The tranquility of their camp shattered by the arrival of an enormous creature, which she initially mistook for a pillow. But as she gazed up, confusion turned to awe and a tinge of fear. It was no ordinary beast; it was a colossal and imposing figure, a creature straight out of a nightmare.

It looked down at her with large brown eyes. It had a massive head with large ears with tufts of feathers poking out. Its entire body resembled that of a large, demonic owl.

"Hola, you must be Lilith," the beast greeted. "Eda told me you'd be arriving today."

Lilith could only nod. She had seen a lot of weird things since she arrived in the Demon Realm, and even weirder things during her expedition with Steve, but this encounter was beyond remarkable. The beast stood before her, its massive form radiating an aura of power and mystery.

Lilith shook herself from her stupor, her curiosity getting the better of her. She couldn't resist exploring the creature's unique anatomy. She cautiously reached out, poking and prodding at its body, while the beast observed her with a hint of amusement.

"Absolutely fascinating," Lilith muttered, her eyes fixed on the creature's magnificent wings. "How large are they?"

"Lilith, leave Camila alone!" Eda scolded, emerging from a nearby tent.

"Camila?" Lilith questioned, looking up at the beast. "Isn't that Luz's mother?"

"Si, esa es mi hija," Camila responded in Spanish, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness at the mention of her daughter. Speaking in Spanish was a way for her to connect with Luz and keep her memory alive.

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