Chapter 7: So much for staying hidden

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Luz was looking forward to spending some time with her friends after school. Since Luz had missed her 'official welcome tour' over the weekend, Gus and Willow had decided to reschedule it for today. They had planned to take Luz to their favorite burger place, show her around some shops so she could get some new clothes that weren't borrowed from Eda, and maybe go see a movie. Luz had no idea what a movie was, but she was excited to find out.

They figured they would start Luz out at their favourite burger place, show her around to a few shops so she could get some new clothes that weren't borrowed from Eda, and perhaps go see a movie. This had proven to be needed when Luz had asked them what a movie was.

They were walking down the street, away from school and in the opposite direction of Eda's place. The trio were chatting happily, enjoying each other's company. 

"Oh man! I can't believe you've never tasted a burger before! You are going to love it!" Gus exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air. 

Luz's two friends were clearly thrilled to show her around the town and give her the official tour. They had both expressed their joy at seeing Luz experience things for the first time.

"I know I said this before, but are you sure you're not from another planet?" Willow teased.

"Ha!" Luz snorted, waving off Willow's question. "Of course not!" 

I'm not from another planet, just another realm. Luz mused to herself. 

Luz was practically beaming with excitement. She was so happy to finally get to see more of the city! You know, that was the plan. But... things just don't want to work out for her.


"Get away from here!" 

People rushed past them in a panic, trying to escape from something.

Luz had a sudden sense of deja vu from last Saturday. 

The warnings of people running away in terror, was met with a sudden loud BANG

Luz instinctively reached for her staff, but she remembered she wasn't alone.

"Oh man, oh man, oh man!" Gus seemed thrilled, "maybe its another magical beast! Come on, we have to check this out!" 

Gus ran off before either Luz or Willow could stop him. 

They took one look at each other, before rushing after their over enthusiastic friend who would probably get himself killed. "Gus, wait!" They called after him.

Luz watched as Gus turned a corner. She followed him, hoping he was okay. She skidded to a halt as she almost bumped into...

"Amity!" Luz said, shocked. 

"Luz?" Amity said, confused. "Never mind. You need to get away from here! You and Willow need to go, now! There's a giant white monster tearing through the downtown!" 

Giant white monster? Luz questioned to herself. It had to be a Slitherbeast. 

"What are you standing there for, let's go!" Amity grabbed both of their wrists, trying to pull them away.

"Wait!" Willow pulled her arm back. "Gus ran in there all excited. We need to get him out of here! I won't leave him in there!" 

Luz was just as worried for her friend. If a Slitherbeast was rampaging as Amity had said, anyone there would be in big trouble.

Slitherbeasts were gentle creatures unless provoked.

So what was it doing here? And what caused it to become aggravated?  

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