Chapter 5: I'm not the only one

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Luz returned to the house with Eda after her first day at school. She was bubbling with excitement as she shared all the good things that had happened. She had made two friends! Her very first friends in this world! And she had plans to hang out with them on Saturday!

"Well, I'm glad to hear you survived school. But let's get to the important information. Did you blend in? Any bullies? Don't think I didn't notice that your hat is wet and smells of coffee." Eda raised an eyebrow at Luz.

"Really?" Luz grabbed her hat and gave it a sniff. "It smells like bitter bean blood to me."

"Luz." Eda said in a warning tone.

"Right, no weird things..." Luz rolled her eyes. "I had a run-in with the captain of the grudgby... no, that's not right... the rugby team. That's it! Anyway, I bumped into her and she poured her 'coffee' on me." Luz mocked Eda's voice on the word 'coffee'.

"Ah, typical high school bully. I remember pranking them back in my days at school..." Eda trailed off in her fond memories of tormenting the school principal and fellow classmates.

"Anyway, how did the whole 'blending in' thing go?" She asked Luz.

"Eh." Luz seesawed her hand in the air. "No one saw my ears, but my new friends did say they that I act as if I came from another planet."

Eda sighed, hanging her head in her hand. "Do I want to know what happened?"

"Well, let's see... I didn't know what a 'handshake' was. Gus showed me what it was, so I know that now. I thought the locker was going to eat me, until I realized that the lockers here aren't living beings... and..." Luz's voice rose a few notches.

Eda gave her the 'go on' look.

"and... I did win my team a game of rugby, but almost lost it when I thought I found the magic beetle that would win the game for us. Apparently there is no magical beetle in human games that will automatically win you the match."

"Your world sounds so weird. When you find a way back, I need to see it!" Eda exclaimed.


The next few days passed by in a blur. Luz was getting more used to her new life on Earth. Willow and Gus had been a big help in learning about social norms here. School was getting easier, as she was getting extra help in her classes. Willow helped her out with science and math class, while Gus helped her catch up in history. She still had a few problems with Boscha, and her two friends she learned were Skara and Amelia. They still tried to make her life a nightmare, but Amity's threat hung over their heads, keeping them in line. Though that didn't stop them completely from spreading rumors or saying anything to Luz when they were alone. Luz was able to put up with it. They couldn't do anything worse to her than what has already happened to her.

Then there was Amity. The mysterious girl with green hair who said nothing more then that she was a Blight. 

She asked Willow and Gus about her. They didn't say too much. Willow had apparently been friends with her until one day Amity just stopped talking to her.

When Eda picked Luz up from school one day, she noticed Luz was acting a bit different. She asked her young little witch about it. It was to her surprise Luz had mentioned a certain 'Amity Blight'. Eda wasn't familiar with who Amity was, but she did recognize the last name. She did go to school with both Alador and Odalia Blight. The two had been amazing together in school. Right after high school they started their own company, 'Blight Industries'. It was some high security tech company. And apparently they also had a daughter. If Eda remembered her old classmates well enough, she was sure the girl was probably forced to take after her mom.

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