Chapter 10: Lilith

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Luz looked forward to her weekends off of school. She usually had homework to do, but this time she was free of any assignments. She had made plans to hang out with Gus, Willow, and Amity the next day. Today, however, she had agreed to help Eda with something. It somehow always ended up being something weird. She was starting to get used to weird and wacky tasks Eda gave her.

This day was no different in terms of weirdness. Luz was helping Eda load various items into her car. They were going to the mall for some kind of expo. Eda had rented a booth there, but she wasn't going to sell her usual stuff. Instead, she was going to pose as a...

"Fortune teller?" Luz asked, puzzled. She knew what that was, but she also knew that Eda didn't believe in the 'human magic' that Gus had mentioned. That didn't stop her from having tarot cards, oracle cards, crystals, candles, and other things.

"Yep! The gullible fools fall for it every time. You just have to be vague enough, so they'll fill in the blanks themselves." Eda said with a smirk. "You remember that friend of yours, the short one? He was one of those fools a couple of years ago. Oh, he was so easy to trick."

Luz rolled her eyes. She remembered how Gus had told her of that time he been convinced that he had a curse on him and went to Eda to help to break it. He had paid her a hefty sum of money for a fake potion and a bogus ritual. It was why he was so wary of Eda in the first place. Luz felt bad for him, but she also found it hilarious.

She was mildly intrigued by Eda's plan. It did sound entertaining! It's not like she was one to judge. She had pulled various... stunts over the years. The time she released hobgoblins into the conformatorium solely because she was bored is one moment of many that came to mind.

"Well, let's go!" Eda threw a sack of supplies over her back.

"One second, have you seen Stringbean anywhere?" Luz asked, looking around for her little noodle.

"No, I haven't. Where'd you last see her?" Eda asked.

A shriek sounded in response, followed by an owl swooping down overhead.

"Ow! Hooty! Knock it off!" Luz shouted as she ducked.

Eda grabbed a broom and whacked Hooty in the head. The owl screeched at Eda, then retreated.

"What was that about?" Luz questioned.

Eda rummaged through her very long and thick hair. She pulled out a familiar little snake. "I suspect he was chasing her."

Eda handed the snake shifter to Luz. "I believe this is yours."

"Stringbean, you got to stop going off alone. We're not in the Boiling Isles anymore. You don't exactly look like any of the snakes here." Luz scolded her snake half-heartedly. She could hardly stay mad at her.

Stringbean let out a low hiss, then transformed herself into an otter.

"Aw! So cute." Luz gushed, giving her palisman a snuggle. "But you're still to small. And purple."

Stringbean let out a low hiss, not liking the rules of this planet.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Luz consoled. 

Stringbean straighten up, and circled around Luz. She let out a chirp, saying something to Luz.

"Really? What'd you find?" 

Stringbean slithered off of Luz's hand and disappeared down the hall. She reappeared a second later with something in her mouth. She flew over and dropped it into Luz's waiting hand.

"Huh." Luz inspected it.

Eda stepped closer to Luz to get a look at what the snake had brought. "What's so great about that? It's a piece of wood."

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