LAST Lumity Special: The Date

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Luz anxiously awaited at Eda's, her mind consumed with thoughts of Amity and their upcoming surprise date. Despite being in a relationship for over two years, she realized she had never taken Amity on a first date. It weighed on her conscience, and she was determined to make it right by planning the perfect evening for her girlfriend.

The past week had been a challenge, as she found herself skillfully avoiding Amity's attempts to spend time together. Amity's part-time job at the library and her studies at university provided ample opportunities for Luz to dodge her advances. However, it became increasingly difficult when Amity had free evenings after her work shifts.

Luz could sense Amity's growing curiosity as to why she wouldn't join her at the library for some quality time together, watching shows or reading books in Amity's private study. Luz even went as far as ignoring every single phone call. She knew that even a single conversation with Amity would jeopardize her plans, so she had no choice but to keep her distance. Luckily, her loyal and amazing friends, Gus, Willow, and Hunter, came to her aid, diverting Amity's attention whenever necessary.

However, it seemed that their efforts hadn't been entirely successful, as Luz received a concerned text from Willow.

"You may want to speed up your plans a bit. I just spoke to Amity, and she thinks you're avoiding her because you're having second thoughts. She thinks you want to break up with her."

Fuck. Luz's heart sank. That was the last thing she wanted Amity to believe.

Determined to make things right, Luz replied, "I'm going to surprise her tonight. Thanks for getting me Amity's siblings' contact details. I spoke with Emira, and she promised me that Amity's schedule is clear tonight."

"But doesn't Amity have work this evening?" Willow asked.

Luz paused for a moment, contemplating the mystery. "Apparently not anymore. I'm not sure how Emira managed to pull it off, and honestly, I don't think I want to know."

Willow agreed, "Good idea."

Luz chuckled softly as she placed her phone on the counter. She was ready to fix any misunderstandings and show Amity just how much she meant to her.

Luz nervously fidgeted with her fingers, going through a mental checklist for the evening. The weight of anticipation hung in the air around her, making her restless. Eda, perched on the armchair across from her, couldn't help but interject.

"Kid, you either need to calm down or put a towel underneath you," Eda quipped, raising an eyebrow at Luz's anxious demeanor.

Startled by the sudden remark, Luz looked up at Eda, a mix of confusion and embarrassment on her face.

"You're molting, Luz. I don't even think I've seen Hooty or Owlbert shed this much," Eda chuckled, her voice laced with amusement.

Owlbert, nestled within Eda's wild hair, cooed in response, adding to the surreal atmosphere. Luz's eyes widened as she glanced around herself. Feathers were scattered everywhere, covering the couch and floor. Her arms and legs had sprouted feathers due to her nerves, leaving behind a trail of shed feathers.

"Shit!" Luz muttered, realizing the mess she had created. Acting quickly, she grabbed an elixir she kept stashed all over the Owl House for such situations. "Sorry, Eda," Luz apologized as she swiftly downed the elixir, grimacing at its terrible taste. It was a necessary evil to rectify her molting feathers.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Luz watched as the feathers retracted back into her skin, leaving no trace behind. She was grateful for the elixir's quick effect.

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