Trash boy

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The man was able to get away safely to an abandoned warehouse building where he took Eclair up to the loft on the top floor, finally laying her limp self down to rest. He didn't take long to attempt to wake her up, and was rather successful. The weirdly dressed girl intrigued him.

Eclair had opened her eyes slowly before panicking as usual when she woke up, taking her metal left first and punching the man right in the stomach. The man fell over in pain for a moment as Eclair sat up, attempting to figure out what was going on.

"Damn I didn't think princesses could punch."mumbled the man as he held his stomach trying to sit up.

"Who the hell are you calling princess?! There's not a damn princess here, there's just me and--Ed?! Edward?!" Eclair began to panic once again as she looked around for Edward. She whipped her overgrown bangs out of her eyes as her eyes scaled the place for any route of escape.

"Now that's what a princess does call for help as usual. Oh are you talking about that weird blonde braided girl? Funny name for a girl."

Eclair snapped, "Shut up, that's my partner, and I'm not a damn princess unless that's what they call state alchemists here!"

"Weren't you in the square this morning yelling at those boys and then when one of them tried to frame you you called yourself the illegitimate daughter of Further Bradely? I believe you did and so did all those other people so in that case that make you a princess. And I'm still confused is Edward a boy or a girl? Kinda hard to tell with the blonde braid." the man shook his head his face was still covered by his hood as he stood up so Eclair couldn't quite see it yet.

Eclair growled back at him, "well first of all, I did that braid that he, and yes I said he, had in his hair this morning, I'm glad you think it's that good of a quality because he literally wouldn't sit still long enough for me to do it properly. And second, just because I can take on the title of pretty much anyone I want doesn't mean I do. I only came out here to find out who the hell was pretending to be me so I had to pretend to be someone else too."

The man stopped and paused where he stood examining her though his hood before pointing and beginning to laugh "Wait a minute you're telling me you're HIM too? Oh boy that's pretty unbelievable I mean I look more the part than you do at all and you were posing as HIM while still looking like a girl?" the man started to laugh obnoxiously, grabbing at his stomach again and throwing his head back.

"What the hell? I'm the Halfmetal Alchemist! See!" Eclair grabbed her pocket watch from around her neck, "There. That's me. I'm the Halfmetal Alchemist. Yes, I'm a girl, always have been. There's just an obnoxious fraud spreading rumors about me because that fraud thinks he's me even though he clearly is not! My partner is the Fullmetal Alchemist, and so what if he's got nice hair, or at least it's nice when he lets me wash it! Wait a're the fraud!" Eclair took to punching the guy again, this time hitting him in the side of the face and knocking him down on his back. "I've been waiting all day to do that!"

The guy rolled over after being punched and his hood had finally rolled off his face. Eclair could see it clearly through the moonlight in the window of the warehouse. He looked almost exactly like her except he was a boy, had brown instead of lavender-purple eyes, and he seemed younger. He simply grunted at her. "Geeze, are you Amestrian girls dumb? The halfmetal alchemist is a boy haven't you read the newspapers before? And you want me to say the boy/girl is the Fullmetal Alchemist? No way he's too girl for something as cool as that. Also where the hell did you learn to punch like that geez?" He rubbed his face before beginning to stand up.

"I'm done playing games little boy, I am the Halfmetal Alchemist, you're the reason everyone thinks I'm supposed to be a man!" Eclair clapped her hands as she turned her metal arm into a dagger, "I'll show you the reason I'm called the Halfmetal Alchemist and it's not because I'm a man! And Edward is very much a man, even if he does have really nicely braided hair thanks to me!"

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now