The Next Day (El's Rampage)

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As soon as Trevor was about to set Kiomi down on the bed to help bandage her, he felt her hand grasp his arm. Though she was unconscious, he could tell the touch was intentional. Trevor's green eyes settled on her hand while he laid her down on the bed, soon her hand had slipped back into her lap.

Ayumi watched Trevor silently before her and Winry started to prepare the bandages. "Trevor you have to hold her arm still while we wrap this around her." Ayumi instructed.

Trevor fumbled for a moment, attempting to recollect himself while he went back to holding Kiomi's arm still, "Right, right." He repeated himself, attempting to focus himself more. Ayumi raised an eyebrow smiling before her and Winry began to bandage up Kiomi's arm. They continued with Trevor sometimes becoming distracted until they finally finished. They had to bandage up Kiomi's abdomen which was the hardest part because Éclair's alchemy left a small wound in a rather inconvenient location on her stomach, but they accomplished the task. When they finished Ayumi and Winry cleaned up their materials before leaving the room, they went to help assist with Eclair's wounds in the other room.

Trevor, however, sat in the bedroom watching Kiomi. His tired eyes tugged at him he would rub at them in response staying in the room keeping an eye on her when he wasn't called to help with Eclair. He would even be there the next morning when Kiomi awoke.

Trevor eventually nodded off to sleep that night after hearing everyone else in the other room settle down. When the early morning hours hit was when Kiomi awoke. Her eyes fluttered opened as she looked around her surroundings. Her sight was fuzzy at first before she could focus and when she did Kiomi noticed Trevor sitting in the seat next to the bed she must have been laying in. "Trevor?" She asked her voice a little groggy as she started trying to sit up.

"Hey, careful are you feeling? You're not too hurt are you? I know El tried to take all the major wounds away!" Trevor perked up and moved over to Kiomi to attend to her.

Kiomi shook her head surprised at his sudden help but she met it with a soft smile. "No, I've just gotten a terrible achieng, I'll be fine.'' She looked around the room confused. "Is Éclair alright?'' she asked blinking slowly.

Trevor looked away towards the door, "I...wouldn't know..." Kiomi had a confused look on her face .

"Have you been here all this time? You could have checked on her." She made a small attempt to laugh.

"Yeah...but it was pretty crowded in there with everyone Winry had that wild look in her eyes I don't even wanna know what she was thinking."

"Winry is a little scary when she's around El..." Kiomi commented shuttering slightly. She looked at her bandaged abdomen and then up to Trevor. "I know I was asleep for most of it but thank you for the company."

Trevor nodded lightly, "'s nothing..." he looked back to the door once more before he looked back to Kiomi, "I figure there's enough commotion out there anyway. I'm surprised I haven't heard any bickering all night."

"Probably because El and Ed are to burnt out to argue, I'm sure we will here it sometime this morning once more again."

"Yeah...about that..." Trevor looked to his left arm, "El kinda used the last of her strength to heal you...she's going to be out for a while...her wounds are a lot worse than yours are. But if you could believe it, she was arguing with Edward until the moment she passed out."

Kiomi's eyes became wide in shock. "She hurt herself to help me...?" She paused quietly, "I hope she's alright...I didn't think that the alchemy would drain her to this point..." She looked down. "I wonder if I could help her feel better..."

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now