Paint, Pain, and Punches

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It was rather later in the morning that El finally woke up. She noticed that she fell asleep on the floor, resting her head against Ed's shoulder. She had a smile upon her face before she pulled up her head and sat up quickly. El had even lowered her hand, which was ready to hit the nearest person in sight upon her awakening. She instead used it to part her bangs aside her eyes to be able to see. After a few moments of her blissful morning, El realized she still didn't have her arm back and frowned a little to herself before standing up and moving herself back to look at the wall and all of her work. That's when the memories came back to her.

Her weary eyes trembled as she glared from each circle, knowing they existed. There was no physical way she would allow for herself to test them, however knowing that in theory they existed made the rage inside of her grow perhaps a little more.

"What an awful morning, it's as if I woke up to yet another nightmare..." Éclair muttered to herself before she began to take down all her work and rebox it up. She'd have to redraw most of it later in her journal before taking the most important of it with her when she could leave to study more of it. She had to find the truth. She knew it was out there.

It didn't take her long to find where Ed had kept the horrible drawing of himself that he took out of El's journal. Éclair sighed to herself before taking it back, placing it back in its proper place in her notebook, "I guess he didn't like it..." She took back the one of Zanner too, placing it back in its proper place. After she finished the cleaning, she left the drawing large circle that was perhaps the one that made her on her bed. She then dug deep in her closet for her paint set, and worked on painting the circle on the wall. She was able to do this quickly and accurately before setting her paints on the table beside her bed. "Good enough, I guess."

After she admired her work, she dragged the sleeping Ed to her bed and threw him in and covered him up like a child, "I hope you sleep better here than on the floor..." She was careful not to wake him before she grabbed her coat and left her room to see the rest of the people downstairs. There were extra voices disturbing the peace as El made her way down each step she listened to a conversation that rang through the air. She could suddenly recognize the voices of Al and Ayumi who had arrived not long ago maybe. Éclair ''Al ,Ayumi is that you?'' she asked finally reaching the bottom of the stairs. Sure enough Al poked his head through the door that lead to main part of his shop ''El your awake .'' He smiled.

"Heys, when did you guys get here?" Éclair asked as she shook her hair out, "anyways I just cleaned up the mess in my room so I can take you through the short version later on once Ed wakes. But he's still sleeping in my bed so unless you want to wake him I wouldn't go in there."

Ayumi was rather excited at the news, perhaps she took the message not the way that Éclair intended it, "Wait, what is Ed doing there?!"

"We fell asleep on the floor last night studying so I moved him to the bed after I woke up. Figured it was more comfortable than the floor. Oh, and Kiomi you're here too. I'm sure you've already met Al and Ayumi, but that's Alphonse, Ed's younger brother. He's human now thanks to my stupidity. Only cost me a wing for that. Don't actually feel bad about giving that up, I can't fly anyway so it was a worthy trade. Anyways I'm grabbing food before I check in on Trevor about getting my arm back. I don't wanna deal with him before I eat."

''Anything's better than the two of you throwing things at each other .''

"Ah, you saw their greeting ritual." Ayumi shook her head as Éclair headed into the kitchen, "I'm not surprised it upset you. It's quite a lot to take in at first. Trevor's father did at least offer you a safety hat, right?"

Kiomi nodded smiling. ''Thank god for the pot I'm not sure what I would have done without it, though I have a feeling eventually we will all have to convert to wearing armor when it comes to Ed and El's fights.'' She shook her head. Ayumi nodded

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now