"Family" Dinner

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About two years after meeting Regret for the first time, not much has changed.

I'm still Éclair Elanie, the Halfmetal Alchemist, and still hanging around your favorite Fullmetal Alchemist.

Nope, we still don't have our arms and legs back. Nope, we still haven't settled down. We're still at it, searching for the truth: how to get our arms and legs back without the use of a philosopher's stone.

As you may have known, we found out that the philosopher's stones are the core of every single homuncolus, like my 'twin sister' Regret. We also know they were made in an unethical way, but at the same time each homuncolus is a person, since hey I'm here breathing.

Okay, I'm an exception. How? My mother was a human, father was a slightly immortal being using the stupid philosopher's stones and war to survive. Yup, my father's father created Ed's father as a toy to aid with his stupid plan to become 'god' (so original, I know) and yup he created literally every homoncolus, but he didn't expect me to survive. My father was literally a philosopher's stone altered to carry out 'father's' (aka the dude in charge of all the homoncoli, my "grandfather" so to say) wishes...to a point.

And that point being: The entire homoncoli population are the most lazy ass bums I've ever met.

And their plan of trying to get father to become a god? Yeah that ain't happening.

See, they wanted to try to create a homoncolus that was both well, homoncolus and human. A hybrid. They succeeded, using my mother as the catalyst. Only problem they had was surprise, surprise, the human in my likes to fight back. Before I was born, my stone formed into my twin sister, Regret. I retained everything a human is, but didn't need the stupid stone to survive. Good thing, because I hate useless war.

Father, as you may have guessed it, wasn't too happy with the fact that I wasn't a full hybrid and merged the two of us at birth. Regret was literally living inside the stone that was placed inside my heart. Disgusting, right? We are two very different people. The only thing that's the same about us is that we look alike. Our hair and eye color isn't even the same. Plus her skin is much paler than mine is.

Regret had lived inside me for fourteen years, until after I met Ed and the whole ordeal went down. Turns out I retained part of my homoncolus parts, even after the stone was removed from me and Regret was finally released to be her own person (it was way overdue. I don't need my evil twin living inside of me. I need her out there causing destruction) so she could live her life her own way. Also to save my life because my mother (who had walked out on me when I was just a kid) has reappeared to try to get rid of us homoncoli and associates, calling us scum. Yeah, I admit father is scum, but the rest of us deserve a chance to enjoy our lives.

Or most. Ed's father is kinda an asshole too.

But for me? I'm just a human caught up in this mess.

Anyways, I was able to retain my homoncolus wings, which I can create at will...well most of the time. I kinda suck when I try to use them. I don't fly. I ungracefully crash to the ground. I also got to keep my quick senses. Regret was blessed with better control of her wings and her quick senses. I get sometimes I don't crash, and sometimes I can fly (not really) and otherwise I can boost my stats. Stats you say? I can boost my strength, speed, etc, etc. And I'm pretty good at that part. Half of it comes from my rage...yeah they say my name is 'rage: the human' because I'm usually not very friendly.

And if you ask, did we stop father from his god complex? Well yeah. You see if father tries to use any of us to ascend to godhood I'm here to shut that down instantly. Turns out he accidently made the kill switch for his plan: me. He tries to do something, I completely counter him. Take that old man!

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