Complicated Relationships

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When Éclair woke up the next morning, she noticed the entire train car was dark. This prompted her to get up and walk around to see every window on the train car.

Every window was covered with sand.

"What the...what kind of sandstorm is this...?!" Éclair said to herself before she went to look back at her friends. All of them were still asleep. She even went to see Mustang and the man she titled 'that man'. They were asleep as well.

Éclair sighed to herself, "well I want to get out of here. So I hope you don't mind if I borrow this..." She crawled under the table Mustang was sitting at and grabbed his suitcase, opening it and stealing some of his flame alchemy ingredients, "Sand and heat make a nice glass tunnel for us to get the hell out of here." She crawled out from under the table and made it back over to where she had her stuff. She threw on her coat and boots before realigning her pocket watch necklace. She then opened the back door to the train car by where her stuff was, clapped her hands, and ignited all the sand to make two tall glass walls on the sides of the train tracks. "That's better." She smiled as she walked out of the train car and closed the door behind her. Since there were walls on both sides of the train tracks between the cars, she no longer had to worry about the sandstorm. She continued to go to the back of the train and clear the sand there as well, before crawling on the top of the train cars from there forward clearing the rest of the sand. She did this until she got to the engine room on the train, in which she cleared the sand from in front of them before she slid down into the engine room through the window.

"Hey kid! You're not supposed to be in here!" The conductors told her, backing away slowly.

"Relax, I'm not here to steal from you. I'm a passenger on this train. I just cleared the tracks, sandstorm is pretty much over, so could we get moving? If we hit a lot more sand I'll just clear it and build more walls out of glass. It's not that hard, I could honestly do it in my sleep." Éclair yawned.

"W-who are you?" The conductors asked, in fear that she actually was someone sketchy due to them being trapped out in the desert all night.

Éclair sighed, "I'm Éclair Elanie, the Halfmetal Alchemist. My pocket watch is around my neck." Éclair pointed to her pocket watch, "I'm from Amestris...look one of my dearest travel companion's father just so happened to be on this train as well and was trapped in our train car all night. I don't know about you, but having an estranged father that walked out on you to show up on a train and be trapped with you is not a fun experience to have to deal with. I'm willing to help you guys keep the tracks clear if we keep moving."

The two conductors looked at each other and shrugged, "We'd like to, but we can't have passengers running around, it's Amestris's orders to protect all those travelers." The first one stated.

"What if I told you I could change that order, how would you like that?" Éclair wrestled her notebook from her coat pocket and opened up to the page with the official seal of the Bradley house, "I do have permission, do I not?"

The second conductor gave El a strange look, "The King gave a kid like you power like that?"

"He didn't exactly have a choice. Anyways, let's get this thing moving! I want to get out of this desert before we hit any real trouble!" Éclair made her way back to the window, "And don't worry about me, I'll make sure to make it on the train after I clear more of the sand, just keep going forward through the glass wall tunnel. If anything does go amiss, there's more of Amestris's finest, including another another very talented state alchemist, the Fullmetal Alchemist, and the Flame alchemist but he's a lazy bum. If the glass walls fall, the flame alchemist could use the practice, after all, flames are his speciality and I can't recall the last time I saw him practice." The train conductor chuckled "Well we wish you the best young alchemist please be safe." one of them sighed.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now