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Just a few hours later, the four finally disembarked the train and made their way to the inn. They didn't have much trouble finding it, nor finding their room on the top floor.

Éclair was the first in the door, dropping her suitcase right after she entered, kicked off her boots, and flopped face down on the bed, "This is great. Finally no longer on that train with those thugs and plenty of room to this is comfortable..." She quickly sat up, "But this is no time for sleeping! While you guys get settled in, I'm going to go out and get 'princess worthy' clothes so at least our disguises hold up. I'll be back in a bit!" Éclair quickly threw her shoes back on and passed everyone else by the door while she headed out.

Winry was the next with a plan, "I'm taking the bathroom. You two can handle yourselves." She commented as she brought her suitcase into the bathroom with her to finally bathe in a nice hot bath. She left the two brothers standing in the doorway with the door to the room closing behind them.

Alphonse ran his hand through his hair as he places his own suitcase on the floor. "Looks like it's just us brother like old times haha..." Al began trying to strike a conversation.

Edward placed his suitcase next to one of the beds as he looked up and nodded nervously. "Yeah right haha like old times." He smiled as he plopped himself on the couch that sat in the middle of the room. He was completely oblivious to Al's opening conversation starter. Maybe Al needed to resort to another more up front method.

"So, how is everything with Éclair? You guys seemed okay when you came back." Alphonse asked, not really sure what better way to phrase the question. He seemed rather nervous, yet concerned with the question he posed.

Edward was rather caught off guard as he glanced up at his brother from the couch. "Uh were fine I - I guess. Why do you ask?" Edward questioned back raising an eyebrow his face turning a light shade of pink.

Alphonse shrugged rather nervously, but gained his confidence when he saw how Edward was reacting, "Well she doesn't normally run from her problems and she kind of ran out of the train then I saw her dangling from the outside of the train car. I know she told me she found some thugs, but the thugs don't explain why she ran out. I'd ask her myself how she's feeling, but you know her, she'll never give us a straight answer."

Edward froze in place and then pointed at his younger brother. "I - I didn't do anything to her if that's what you're suggesting alright? I don't know why she ran out! Wait she ran out?! I didn't even notice well I think you just imagined it!" Edward shouted his statements nonsense and were a way to try and distract Alphonse from the question he had thrown at Ed.

Al's face dropped from Edward's petty distraction, "Big brother, you ran after her..."

"Phft! Your going crazy Al we were sitting right next to you the whole time you just fell asleep thats it! Yeah you fell asleep and dreamed it all up there is nothing between me and El and I don't like her more than a normal friend would like her-" Edward was red in the face now and immediately stopped as he realized he almost revealed the thoughts that had been running through his mind for a while. "You keep accusing me of all these fake things Al hahaha you're just a big dirty liar!" Edward nervously laughed as he stood up and then bolted for the door of the room and once he found the knob he took it turned the handle and ran out of the room before Al could even respond.

"Your face was red too..." Alphonse sighed, "Ayumi was right..." he ended up mumbling before he made his way over to the phone and began to dial the operator to get his call connected to Ayumi.

After the call was connected, it didn't take long for her to pick up. "Elanie household, how can I help you?" Ayumi answered.

"Ayumi, you were right." Alphonse sighed, "Both Ed and El are completely a mess."

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now