The Train

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Edward had no problem getting to the train station, nor getting tickets for the train. It was the last train leaving that evening, and they got the last seats on it. Edward quickly made his way to the last open seats at a table-booth, which was across from two young girls and a young man.

Edward dropped the suitcases on the table between them before he was able to set Éclair down. She laid down on the seat, her coat hood still covering her face. Edward then got out her pocket watch and dagger. "El, I have your stuff."

Éclair placed the bag of cookies on the table and tried to push herself up, however, her strength was gone. She was weaker than she even wanted to admit herself. Edward set her stuff down on the table before helping her sit up, revealing her blood-covered face as Eclair's hood fell back off her head. Her hair was nothing less than a mess, and her eyes revealed a small hint of defeat from within herself.

The younger of the two sitting across from them shrieked, "w-what happened to her?! And is that a dagger?!"

"Relax, I'll be fine." Éclair fumbled to grab her dagger case as she overturned her pocket watch, revealing its emblem. Edward took the time to set their suitcases on their sides on the table to begin to rummage through them.

"A state alchemist?!" The older girl asked, "but how? You look younger than—"

"I probably am." Éclair coughed as she did her best to strap the dagger case back on her metal leg. It took her longer than normal since her hands were weak and shaking. She then grabbed her pocket watch and threw it around her neck. "Ed...see if we have any gauze side is stinging."

"Already on it El. Relax for a moment, you have so much crap in your suitcase it's going to take a moment to search through it." Edward responded.

"Do you need a doctor? I'm a nurse I could help!" The older of the two girls offered. "I don't have anything with me, though."

Eclair nodded once, "Yeah, I probably do but we can't do anything about that until we get out of Central." She then shook her head, "you found anything useful yet, Ed?"

Edward shut both his and Éclair's suitcases, "you only have a small roll of bandage left, you're also completely out of alkahestry materials."

"Figures." Éclair coughed, "as long as we do something about my side I should be able to make it until morning when we arrive...wherever we arrive." Éclair leaned on Edward's left side where he was sitting, "Yeah, I should make it. I'm not that bad..." She mused to herself as she grabbed the bandages off the table, "I'm sorry I'm a mess, usually I don't allow myself to get this bad. I'd shake hands but..." Éclair raised her right hand, seeing as her knuckles were bruised and scraped. "You can call me El, that's Ed, my partner." Éclair did her best to line the bandage gauze up, "Ed, can you help...?"

The older of the two girls stood up, "I can help, you don't need to worry, you may bandage it wrong, you two are just kids!"

"State alchemists, but I guess we do appear to look rather young considering I look like a mess." Éclair began putting up her cool and aloof barricade around her emotions. She even faked a smile in an attempt to hide her pain. Both Edward and Eclair were used to her putting up this facade that she typically wore when dealing with strangers.

The older girl persisted with her questioning, "Then why are you in a civilian car? You do know there is an entire car booked on this train just for--"

"Because it's full too! All of it!" Eclair blurted out to cover for both herself and Edward. "Besides, these were the only tickets he could get carrying me. Ask him not me. I'm just happy he was able to get tickets without anyone else giving me a weird look." Eclair stated as she began to unravel some more of the bandage so she could bandage up her side for the moment at least, however she was struggling with her hands.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now