Keeping Secrets

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"Hey, not bad you two! You're really getting the hang of this!" Éclair smiled as she quickly extended her dagger arm behind her neck to protect against Travis coming at her with his wooden sword from behind. "Good job trying to focus on my blind spots! If I were a real enemy you might've fooled me with your keen eyes and knowledge!"

"Man, I thought I had you that time!" Travis jumped back, "How come you're always faster than us?"

Éclair laughed lightly, "I've had a lot more training than you guys, I also deal with this every day at work. Never know when someone's going to come up behind you. Now that you guys know weak spots, you can start to learn some of the fun stuff, like fancy footwork!" Éclair had noticed Edward had came outside, "Hey Ed!" She then turned back to the kids after realizing that Edward looked rather annoyed, "Alright, I'm going to attempt to distract him, you know what to do. Just make sure to follow up, that's the most important thing. If a friend or an ally goes in, they expect you to follow up with them to support them! Now for Ed...he's about to get a surprise..." Éclair's smile faded into a slightly maniacal grin as she began to run at Edward, "Coming your way!"

Edward was quick to become startled by her sudden leap towards him and he jumped out of the way, "What the hell Eclair?!'' He shouted suddenly before Travis caught him from behind.

"Haha! Gotcha this time!" Travis wacked Edward on the back with his wooden sword, causing Ed to plummet straight into Éclair. Éclair barely caught him, nearly stumbling back on her own feet, however she held her ground. Her dagger arm did manage to accidently cut the sleeve of Edward's jacket.

Éclair laughed as she helped Edward back to his feet, "See?! I taught them some cool stuff! Just wait until I can teach them how to do quick turns and flips and stuff! Ooh I could get my own army of really cool people then Father won't be able to stand a chance!"

"I wanna be apart of your army big sister!'' Travis shouted and thrust his sword trying to seem nonchalant.

"You've got a lot of training ahead of you first, even now I don't stop training. Sometimes I train so much that I can't move afterwards. But you don't wanna train too much otherwise you're just going to get hurt." Éclair laughed as both her and Edward regained their balances. ''It's true what Eclair says, you have to pace yourself.'' Edward responded his tone was still filled with slight irritance.

Éclair laughed, "What, are you upset that I trained these two so quickly to do even the little things? Oh and by the way, your feet are now tied up, that's what you get for being distracted!" Éclair let her cheerful side peek through as she covered her mouth with the back of her metal dagger arm and continued to laugh. Even her lavender eyes seemed rather cheerful. Edward turned red in the face as he looked down at his tied shoes. ''Alright thats it Eclair I'm going to get you!'' he reached out to run toward her as she sprinted off only to find himself tripping because he had forgotten his shoes were stuck together

Samantha laughed, "Look Éclair I did it!" She was really proud as both she and Travis ran away from Edward too, afraid he'd stop chasing Éclair and turn to chase them. They both continued to laugh as well.

"Oh yeah? Come and get me!" Éclair shouted as she created her wings quick enough to allow her to jump on the roof of the house and sit there, dangling her legs off the roof. She then quickly made her wings vanish as she continued to laugh. Edward had managed to trip once more as he attempted to untie and retie his shoes but he just couldn't attempt both of them at the same time

Éclair laughed, "Ah this is great, I don't even have to do anything but sit here! I can have them do everything for me! I didn't know siblings were this great! How come you never told me Ed?"

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now