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When Éclair had vanished, all of her alchemy had halted in progress, no longer continuing in her rampage. Edward was able to easily break out of the dirt and mud and return to the ground in the alleyway.
"What happened to her?!" He shouted, kicking down some of the spikes. He found her notebook on the ground, opened up to a page where she had a photo he had never seen before. He had picked up the notebook and examined the picture: it was of him and Éclair after one of their missions, they were smiling and goofing off together. She had it glued to a page, and the glue seemed to hold the page stuck together to another, so unless the glue was pried apart, the two pages would seem as one. Below the picture was some writing it seemed like she forgot to code - it read like a diary entry, the innermost thoughts and feelings she tried so desperately to keep inside.

I can't believe it, we destroyed a fountain today and got away with it? How cool is that!
Today I was able to outsmart Regret, he actually broke me out of Bradley's stupid 'time-out' jail cell. Heh! I can add that to the list too! We broke out of a 'secure' place! And I only had one arm the entire time!
Today we got to fight a bunch of corrupt third-rate frauds. I haven't been able to do that in a while, and it was like we were perfectly in sync! That never happens! It's never happened before it's like he knows my every move! We make such a good team!
Today we were training again in the rain. Our moves are like clockwork, perfectly in sync. I've never had such a great feeling before. Feels like I can win every battle as long as we're together. Seriously, I think we could even take out everyone in our way. No one can stop us!

Her entries carried on of her victories of what seemed like destruction, however she found joy in accomplishing.
Finally at the bottom of the page was ink smeared with what could only be tears.

Something's wrong with me. I have a problem. I can't lose him now. I let myself get too close to him. Now I'm afraid of what it'd be like without him. I have to protect him. I have to, he's the only one who understands.

Edward stared at them wide eyed before looking around and picking up her dagger that had been left behind as well. He then continued to refer back to the notebook before smacking himself in the head. "I'm such an idiot !" he growled to himself , "She's uh-" he began to flush his cheeks growing a dark red color before he looked around the alleyway. "Where the hell could she be?!"
It was quiet in the alleyway for a few seconds before all of Éclair's alchemy fell apart, turning to dirt, ash, and dust falling to the ground surrounding them--it was as if anything she used alchemy on fell apart. Her notebook glowed with a bright color before returning to its normal look as well.
Moments later, a bright purple alchemy circle appeared from the dust before a portal appeared out of the side of the sky opposite Edward and Kiomi.
Éclair tumbled through the portal once again, rolling on the ground out of the circle as it stopped glowing and vanished. She continued to tumble until she hit the trash cans, her pocket watch tearing off her neck in her uncontrolled roll, falling on the ground and remaining there in pieces, as it had opened and the clock was smashed; the gears broken and crooked.
Éclair then continued to lay there, just trembling and not able to pull herself together before falling still.
Edward and Kiomi rushed over to check on Eclair, both kneeling down next to her.
Edward didn't hesitate to roll Eclair back over as the dust was finally starting to settle. "Eclair?" he asked, seeming a bit worried.
"Ed...Kiomi..." Éclair began to open her eyes once again. Her stone was no longer glowing, and she seemed rather tired. "Is" She attempted to brush her bangs from her eyes to see better, "It really is you're okay...the weird people didn't get you too..."
"Weird people...?" Kiomi and Ed both shared an estranged glance before shaking their heads and looking back at her. "You're alright...right?" Kiomi asked.
Edward followed by asking "Yeah we were worried we had lost you..."
"You've gotta do...a helluva lot more than that to lose me...stupid." Éclair did her best to try to force out a grin, "There was this weird kid that hugged me...pretty sure he had a stone like me...his acted just like mine was in his chest...just like mine...he said his name was Emmett...he used some circle to send me back here...said I needed to get the answers..." Éclair tried to laugh, "Think he mistaken me for someone else at the same time. Said I was supposed to be a blonde. Besides, I don't work for him, I work for me." Éclair looked to the other two, "You didn't get taken up by a portal too, did you? See any weird kids?"
The other two shook their heads in response, "Well you were kinda going crazy and I told Kiomi we should do something to stop we kinda sent you there...but it's not like we wanted too!" Edward admitted with a protest as he helped to sit Eclair up just enough so she would be comfortable.
"Yeah.. you were ready to take out Ed like you did those poor trash cans..."
"Trash cans...?" Éclair looked at all the trash cans lying around, "But...I just left the inn...why is it so dark...?" Éclair asked, "I'm glad I was able to find you this easily...especially since we don't know Ishval so well."
"Eclair you don't remember ?" Edward asked, suddenly checking her forehead.
"It has to be the's taking away her memory...there's no other reason behind you forgetting that you were ready to attack Ed and your fight with him and looking around for him all day..."
Éclair sighed, "Now I wish I would've remembered, those trash cans look beat up, must've been fun." She had a weak smile on her face, back to deflecting and using her stubbornness to put up the front that she wasn't as much of the scared little girl she really was, "Bet I could kick one over that fence over there easily."
"Hard enough to hit me in the head with one from like a mile away..." Edward suddenly grumbled to himself before shaking his head, "Well you don't feel sick or anything do you?"
"Just tired and hungry...what did I do, run a marathon all day then get thrown to some weird place in a portal? And of course I could hit you with one of those, I know your every move it's not that hard to predict your moves. What, was I tossing them around to try to drag out people's attention to drag people out from wherever they were hiding?"
"Well you were trying to get Edward's attention, you were trying to find him after he left the Inn."
Éclair smiled and laughed a small laugh, "makes sense. That does sound a lot like something I'd do if I tried everything else I could think of and got nowhere. I'm just glad you both are okay and didn't vanish or get thrown into that weird portal too." She was relieved, but her eyes were full of sadness.
"We're glad you're okay too El! It would have been weird if you were gone—I don't know what it would have been like."Edward said with a nervous tone but he tried to smile for her.
"Eh, takes much more that that to get rid of me. You said it yourself, apparently I was looking for you all day." Her responses were well put together and confident, yet Éclair's small and fragile hand trembled as it reached down for her pocket watch, only to find it missing, "my watch...did I lose it...? What about my dagger and my book, are they okay?" She had noticed she lost the objects she held most dear to her.
Edward held up the dagger and the notebook to show her that he had found them.
"Your pocketwatch fell somewhere around here..." Kiomi said before turning to look for it she then reached over and collected the broken watch in her hands "Sorry, It's gonna need some fixing. It's a bit broken..." she showed it to Eclair.
"As long as I didn't lose it, that's what matters." Éclair told the two before yawning, "man, I'm tired. Didn't know traveling through portals takes this much energy out of you."
Edward then yawned as well,"It is kinda late we should probably get back to the Inn."
"Yeah that way you two can get some sleep." Kiomi said as she put the watch into her pocket to hold for Eclair. Edward and her both helped Eclair to stand up.
"Alright, back to my feet." Éclair stated as she brushed her hair back behind her shoulders. "What were we doing tomorrow, heading to Xing right to find those merchants and knock some sense into their skulls?"
"Exactly." Kiomi and Ed said in unison before the three began to stroll back to the Inn. Ed tried to keep his suspicions of Shan to himself because he didn't want to upset Eclair again.
"I'm sure if they've been meddling with stones they deserve it, especially coming from someone like me." Éclair commented as they returned to the inn. Almost all their friends except for Trevor had gone to bed already. Éclair had the same idea, "I'll fix my watch in the morning, I'm going to bed I'll deal with the rest of this weird stuff in the morning." She stated as she left to her room, plopping on her bed and falling asleep rather quickly.  Kiomi and Edward sat down on the Inn's main couch where Trevor had been and waved to Eclair before she headed to bed.
"Alright, how did you get her to calm down? She looked pretty peeved when she left." Trevor asked. Edward scratched the back of his neck nervously before Kiomi sighed shaking her head, "Well long story short I followed her she beat up some trash cans ending up hitting Edward with one, started going out of control, I used my magic hands and accidentally sent her through a portal she came back couldn't remember why she was angry ,then we all agreed to come back here so these two could get some sleep."
"Portals again? Weren't they what was driving her insane before?" Trevor asked. "And she didn't complain about you having her book, dagger,  and pocketwatch?"
"She was probably too tired to remember to take it back I think she was just glad to be back. Plus Edward is the one holding her belongings I think that gives me more security." Kiomi explained as Edward nodded, "God I feel like an idiot." he sighed.
"What did you think you did this time?" Trevor shook his head, "seriously, if it were as simple as forgetting to give El her stuff back, I don't think that's a problem as long as she can find it in the morning."
"Oh I don't think it has to do with that Trevor, I watched him say the same thing to himself after finding something and looking st it in her notebook earlier in the alley way. So what exactly did you find Edward?"
Trevor looked to him, "Oh? There was something in the notebook that surprised you? Was it the terrible artwork this time? Or more of her insults?"
"Hey shut up Kiomi I didn't see anything!" Edward protested before Kiomi laughed, "You're a terrible liar Edward, it was a picture wasn't it?" Edward's face lit up with red.
"Hand drawn or actual pictures? Because I do have to say some of her hand drawn pictures could use a lot of work, they're not what I would consider a 'work of art' or a 'masterpiece' or anything."
"No.. it was a picture of me and her and she wrote words on it that's all! And I feel like an idiot because I completely failed to tell her how I feel again and just ended up making her angry!"
Trevor laughed lightly before looking to Kiomi, "Where's Ayumi when you need her? She'd love this." He turned to Kiomi, "You're surprised she has actual pictures there in that notebook of hers? It's her notebook. It's the notebook of Éclair. It's all she has to her name. It's got her past, her research, who she is now, it's her memories and what she holds close to her. And the fact that she left it with you and didn't care to find it means a lot considering she used to freak if she couldn't find it in the shop. I swore she was going to destroy the place when she was twelve."
Kiomi giggled lightly at Edward's embarrassment, making him glare at her for a moment, "Did you not hear a single word I said grease boy? I failed to tell her and now seeing that picture in there only proved to me that I have—that I -ugh! she's frustrating and I don't know what to do anymore!" Edward threw his head into his hands.
"Aww did she write little notes to you like the girls used to pass in class to each other?" Trevor asked as he looked at Kiomi, "She wrote little notes didn't she? Did she sign them with little hearts too?"
Kiomi covered her mouth to keep from bursting into laughter, "She's probably gonna send him a love letter awe Ed you get to be her little secret lover, maybe she'll get you flowers too! Isn't that the sweetest Trevor?"
"Shutup!" Edward Barker at them.
"Don't forget about the chocolates too!" Trevor added, "A whole box of little chocolates, although she'll probably eat them all first, knowing her!"
"Oh Ed, you should sweet talk her! She'll definitely be able to figure out your feelings for her then!"  Kiomi and Trevor burst into laughter as Edward blushed furiously raising his fists, "Hey!"
"Oh! They need to go on those cutesy dates too somewhere, ooh like going to have a cute little picnic on the cliffs on the mountainside at sunset, or watching the stars at night! I bet that's where they'll finally spill out their little hearts contents and get all lovey-dovey! They may even still pass some cutesy notes then too!"
Edward found the nearest thing to him and chucked it at the two of them, it was a decorative plant in which he ended up hitting Trevor in the head with as they laughed at him, "You're both ruthless jerks!"
"We're not ruthless, we're just enjoying the fact that--Kiomi, do you smell that? I think it's love in the air!" Trevor continued to laugh, "So what did her little notes say, Eh?"
"I said stop it! And...all it said was what we did and that she said she'd never feel that way with anyone else .."
Trevor chuckled, "see? I told you she wasn't after anyone else. You see, once Éclair makes up her mind, she sticks to it. She's stubborn as hell, but I'm sure you already know that. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten into it too much with Winry. I'm sure if there was some other girl around she'd be jealous enough to keep you away, or perhaps not..." Trevor thought for a moment, "She actually trusts you, so she wouldn't even be jealous at all, she fully believes that you'll be there for her. That's why she gets out of hand when you leave, but not when say Kiomi or Ayumi or anyone else is around you. She actually trusts you entirely too much. This is something new I've never seen her do before." Trevor smiled before turning back to Kiomi, "Oh they grow up so fast Kiomi! Just a few weeks ago they were just little kids arguing over who got the bigger dessert!"
"Or who could kick who's butt in an alchemy match and now they're learning Trevor! Ah such a tear jerker!" she elbowed Trevor with a laugh as Ed frowned "We're not little kids! We're just not like you two!"
"Then what are you like? You know she has a thing for you, it's pretty obvious. You know that's why she ran after you, right? As soon as she saw you were missing, she got all decked out as if she was going to war. She made sure she had everything with her--normally she doesn't do that. She was going to do whatever it took to bring you back, there was fear in her eyes. It was funny, normally she doesn't get all dolled up for anyone, and considering her 'dressing up' is her getting prepared to fight, I'd say I think you already did win her heart. Now let's see here." Trevor took Éclair's book off the table and began flipping through it until he found the picture Edward was talking about, "Aww Kiomi look at the happy couple! You know she doesn't keep pictures of just anyone."  
"Awww and the little notes are under there too." Kiomi said with a lovely tone and giggling. "Ed you have to be able to tell she cared about you so much."
"'He lets me take his food and doesn't usually complain, how awesome is that?'" Trevor began to imitate Eclair's voice with his impressions, "'Today we stopped a bunch of idiot thugs from destroying one of my favorite places to eat food! They even picked me up and took me, thinking I was just some little defenseless girl. Little did they know I was a highly skilled alchemist, but their mistake. And when I got stuck in a tight spot, there he was to help me out. Like clockwork. I know I can take risks and do so much more when he's around.' Ahaha, she's such a heartthrob in her writing, look at her!" Trevor laughed at his impressions.
"Oh, your love story is better than Romeo and Juliet!" Kiomi held her hand over her heart. "It's so cute I might cry!"
"It was love at first...well didn't she break down a door, then insult you, then break down another door? Aww she kicked down doors to meet you, breaking all the barriers." Trevor laughed. "But to be honest, if she's let you in, the fact that you vanished on her earlier today really threw her a new one. I think you're the only one that's ever gotten this close to her. She feels safe around you, but honestly I think you need to talk it out with her. She may not be asleep yet."
"I was going to..I just don't want to make her upset again I really do care about her alot..."
"Now you just have to repeat that sentence to her and all your problems would be solved Ed my friend." Kiomi commented yo Ed as he looked up.
Trevor agreed, "She just doesn't exactly have a way with words, unless it's getting what she wants and involves her fists, but she does care about you too. She's really fond of you. You're important to her. So important that she'd dress up in her full outfit, bring out her dagger and everything, then skip both lunch and dinner to find you. And she didn't stop until she did. If it were any of us, I bet she'd just wait until we came back. But she didn't give up."
Edward stared blankly before standing himself up and snatching the notebook back from Trevor." I hate that you know things grease boy and you too crazy wacko." he grumbled to Kiomi and Trevor.
"You need to talk to her, I bet she'll admit to you that she likes you if you get the conversation started. I've seen her, she's hugged you a couple times too. If you're open about it, she'll come to you, you just have to talk to her. I'm sure she's not sleeping yet, she's probably going to be asleep soon if you don't get to her. She'll be all curled up in a ball or sleeping with herself all sprawled out rather unattractively like normal."
"I'm going, I'm going...thank you, grease boy." Edward said, turning his back and heading to Eclair's room.
"You just better treat her right, she's a good kid, she deserves to be happy, even with all the stuff that's going on in that head of hers." Trevor told Edward, "And the name's Trevor, you know." Trevor shook his head at Edward.  Kiomi laughed with a smile, "It's nice to see one of them is finally making progress." she laughed.
"I think El's making progress too, in her own way as usual." Trevor shook his head, "She may not say it aloud, but she's learning."
"Well she did tell me a few things the other night and the night you found her with a bucket over her head."
"Oh, what did she tell you?" Trevor said, loud enough to try to capture Edward's attention.
Edward had stopped in the hallway right before the door to the room Eclair was in. Kiomi glanced at Trevor before keying into what he was doing. She then nodded her head slightly, "She told me about how she really cares for him, she just can't figure out how to tell him. I mean the other night she was literally looking for answers as to what to do in her notebook. She's definitely got a clue, she even admitted she's never felt this way about anyone and that she basically likes him that's why she put a bucket over her head."
"Sounds like her, she tries to put everything into something she understands--her alchemy. She wants everything to be a science, a masterpiece. She wants answers. She wants the when something's different, she has to know why. She needs the reason, the answers." Trevor responded.
"Yeah so if someone were able to tell her how he felt...she would understand better."
"That girl, still, I feel bad how her memory's going out all the time now. I bet that's hurting her worse." Trevor responded, "so perhaps she's looking for an understanding of that too."
Kiomi nodded in agreement," I'm sure someone will come along and be able to give her a look into her knowing they understand her."
"Yeah," Trevor looked back up to where Edward was, "I think that he already has..."
Edward stared at Trevor looking nervous before nodding his head and turning and knocking on Eclair's door
"Is it morning already...?" Éclair was heard groaning from inside the room, "It's still dark out..."
"Eclair...uh...can I talk to you...?"Edward asked, his face was still red and he had balled his fists at his side with the notebook.
"What is it...? Did you find something in our research...?" She yawned as she fumbled to reach for the lamp on the bedside table to turn it on. Edward huffed before opening the door and entering, "No it's not that I actually wanted to talk to you we feel about each other..." Edward spoke his awkward tone making him sweat
Éclair, attempting to turn the lamp on, ended up missing and tumbling down onto the floor. She tried to pick herself up, shaking out her now rather messy hair. However, something was bothering her, "If it's about earlier today, I don't remember much...I'm sorry..."
"I realize that...and I don't want you to feel like nobody doesn't understand that either." Edward said before going over and helping Eclair up from where she had tumbled, he flicked on the lamp for her.
"It's not that nobody understands what I'm going through...a lot of people do, and you guys have been so kind to me through it all." She responded as she sat back on her bed. "I've realized that, and that's why even though I can't remember everything, I know you can help me with what I'm missing." Éclair smiled, "And thanks for bringing back my notebook. It would've been bad if I lost that."
"Well yeah." Edward said with a nod, handing it to her, "But I do want you to know you're not alone, I understand where you're coming from...when me and Al did the taboo...I remembered I forgot things too...and I think it scared Al for a while..."
"Yeah, I'm surprised at how well Trevor took it...I still feel awful for dragging him into that mess, but it's not like I could change that now. Besides, I wouldn't be here now had I not done everything I've done this far. And I don't know what else I'd do if I wasn't here. I'd probably already be one of father's loyal trusted minions. And I wouldn't have met you, or Al, or anyone." Éclair held her notebook close to her, "And I think that'd be a lot worse than being here. Yeah everything sucks, there's more stones out there and more we have to deal with, but I'd be worse off had I not made it this far. And you know what, every time I've come back from those stupid portals, you were here. And that's how I know I'm not alone."
"I hope you dont ever think you're alone El, we're all here for you and I'm always going to be by your side even if you steal my food all the time but that's another story." Edward patted El's shoulder.
Éclair yawned, "Well yeah, if you make me run around the city all day skipping lunch and dinner I'm gonna keep stealing your food otherwise I won't be able to keep up." Éclair gave a light laugh and put her notebook on the nightstand, "I gotta make sure I have enough strength to still take on idiots too." She yawned again.
Ed chuckled lightly before sighing. "Eclair the reason I ran away earlier today was because..." he paused staring at Eclair  speechless for a moment
"I don't care why you did it...just don't do it again...okay...?" Éclair stated, breaking the silence. She had turned away, facing the windows now. "We've got important things to be doing tomorrow...and if you're not's gonna be...well...there's no one else who knows how to remove those stone fakes besides you, and you're the expert in them now since you found the first yeah...." Éclair stated before yawning once again. "We need you here with us when we go to Xing."
"Eclair I just wanted to tell you--"
"It doesn't matter!" Eclair crossed her arms and looked at Edward who went silent. "We have to keep moving forward, right? So why don't we...just forget about today and move on..." She brushed her hair back, attempting to do her best to stay awake. Her face burned red as she was trying to hide her insecurities.
"Uh ...fine."Edward huffed, crossing his arms. "I guess I have nothing to say to you for the rest of the night then..."
"Hey...uh...thanks..." Éclair stated as she brushed her hand against her pillow, "for coming back...and being there when I got out of that portal...even if you have nothing else to say...thanks..."
He looked up at her even though he was still quite frustrated he nodded. "Why wouldn't I be Eclair? I told you I wouldn't leave..."
"Then don't scare me like that...I don't remember everything I was feeling today...but I know if you were gone all day, and considering I skipped lunch and dinner, I think I was scared. A-and I don't like to be scared...and don't go around telling people that I'm scared...they don't need to know...they need me to be strong so they know there's nothing to be scared I can't be scared...I've gotta be strong." Her voice was cracking. Something wasn't sitting right with her, but she couldn't find the courage to fully admit it. Only enough to explain her fears. 
"Eclair it's okay to be scared once in a while...I didn't want you to be scared but it's okay to have emotions you deserve it as much as other people do too."
"What we're getting ourselves into...this stupid mess with the humoncoli and's bigger, stronger than both of us. We don't know just how big it is...and it's awful, and I don't want everyone else to be scared of it. They want us to be afraid, but if I keep telling people how I'm not scared of it, how we can beat it...we can beat it...I know we can. We just have I can't let people know how scared I am. Because if they know how scared I am, they'll be even more scared too..."
"I'll be there for you if you're scared then. Whatever you do, just don't hide your feelings from me alright, El?"
"Just don't tell anyone, okay?" Éclair looked briefly over her shoulder.
"I promise I won't be alright? Just like I'll promise not to leave again."
Éclair nodded, "A-alright...well...when I went through that portal I was scared, really scared...there were so many people there and the sky was black like it was the middle of the night, and everything looked so similar....but so different and I didn't know anyone there and there were so many people talking and asking questions and that weird kid hugged me and--and I didn't know what was going on I didn't have my dagger, I didn't have my book, I didn't remember how I got there all I remember last was seeing you and Kiomi and I-I-I didn't know what was going on and it was all weird and I was alone--and I was scared, okay?"
Edward nodded his head putting his hand on her shoulder, "How long do you think you were in there ?"
"I don't know, like five--maybe ten minutes? Maybe longer? Ugh there was that kid..." Éclair picked up her book once again and her pen, beginning to try to draw that that kid that hugged her looked like. It seemed as if her art had improved a bit since she went back. Her drawing didn't look as cruel as before.
"Did he say anything to you?"
"That his name was Emmett, he was about eh high, had these big blue eyes, something about how they were looking for a blonde, not a brunette by the name of Éclair, and I appeared in a circle--some type of alchemy circle--ugh I've seen it before but I can't remember all of it, it was glowing purple--and Ed he had a stone in his heart, just like me." Éclair pointed to where she had her stone and mark on her body. "He kept asking me if I found the answer, I don't know what he was talking about and then said it isn't my time yet and he sent me back here with that circle. The kid knew alchemy, he had to be only like ten or something but he did a huge transmutation like that."
"That's so weird. It's like when Kiomi transmuted and accidentally sent you through the portal someone did the same transmutation at the same time."
"I don't know what Kiomi was doing...her's are more like accidents when I get sent through them. But this kid knew what he was doing." Éclair told Edward, "And the circle lit up with my stone and that kid's stone, it used something--it used us to transport us back here--it used me as an ingredient to send me back--that's why I can't remember anything! It must have traded my memories to send me back!"
"But Eclair, how the hell is that possible ...unless maybe it has to do with your stone. Maybe all the others are made from different materials so different things can be traded."
"I don't know...I don't know at all, all I know is I somehow got back here and I don't know how but I'm happy I got back however I got back because I don't know what I would've done if I wasn't able to come back. I'm scared...what if one of those portals takes me and I can't come back...?"
"I won't let that happen! We'll search for you until we find you Eclair I wouldn't let you get sucked through one. We would have to stop Kiomi from using alchemy around you. Just to prevent any accidents."
"Thanks Ed..." Éclair stated as she embraced him, "thank you...I just feel so stupid letting this all get to my head...I don't wanna be scared anymore..."
Edward paused before embracing Eclair back tightly, "You don't have to feel stupid El, you're not stupid at all."
Éclair simply nodded as she kept quiet. She seemed to not know what to say after revealing some of  her fears and insecurities. It was only a few minutes later that Éclair would fall asleep, exhausted from the prior day, and now rather relieved that everything ended up not a total disaster for once.
Kiomi would return to the room not too long after Éclair had fallen back asleep.  "Looks like you two are finally getting along again, good for  you." Kiomi whispered as she entered looking over Ed and Eclair
Edward had finally noticed Kiomi had entered, Trevor right behind her. "Looks like she really was exhausted." Éclair had fallen asleep in Edward's embrace, resting herself against him. "She does look happy..." Trevor patted Kiomi on his head, "I think we gave good advice."
Kiomi smiled with a nod off her head, "Precisely why he took it." 
"Would you two be quiet, you might wake her up!" Edward scolded with a whisper-shout.
"She'll be fine, knowing her. Just glad you two finally made up." Trevor shook his head.
"Well I mean I'm glad too I still didn't get to tell her though." Edward huffed moving eclairs bangs from her face.
"Well you must've told her something to get her to sleep. Either way looks like she is warming up to you more and more." Trevor stated, "I suppose we all should sleep, we've got places to be in the morning." Trevor nodded as he headed to the door. "Oh yeah, Kiomi fixed El's pocket watch so El can't use it as an excuse to why we are late tomorrow."
"She might still try but your right we should get some sleep.. I think I'll stay in here with her tonight." he sighed with a yawn.
"Aww look at you two, I would never have guessed they're still in the denial state." Trevor smiled. Edward grumbled , "Don't say it like that at least we're not like you two weirdos." he said, holding Eclair close before switching off the light.
"How long are you going to deny facts Ed? It's pretty much obvious to everyone but Eclair by now." Kiomi laughed lightly.
"They can't see the truth when it's right in front of their faces." Trevor laughed. "She can't see it but it's right in front of her she's not doing too well for being an alchemist. And thus she's still stuck in denial."
"Maybe Ed should clear the cloud for her and she'll be able to see better." Kiomi added before Edward began to doze off during their teasing.
"He's now falling asleep too look at that. They're so similar." Trevor shook his head.
"Same but different." Kiomi added before turning off the other light to the room. "Alright we should leave them to get some sleep."
"Yeah, we'll check on them in the morning. For now we better get prepared for tomorrow as well. I've never been to Xing before, only heard stories." Trevor told Kiomi as the two of them both headed out to go to bed as well.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now