Trashcan Rampage

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It wasn't until well after dark that Kiomi was able to find Eclair. It wasn't hard to spot her once Eclair had started her rampage. She was kicking over trash cans in a dark alleyway out of frustration. She wasn't exactly quiet about it either, her thoughts being maybe Edward would notice the ruckus and decide to investigate. Resorting to rather pathetic measures, this was what her emotions finally developed into after letting them fester for hours.
"Éclair! I hope you know that other people in this place need to sleep too, you know! And kicking things isn't going to do much!" Kiomi shouted, attempting to get Eclair to stop kicking yet another metal bin. Metal on metal wasn't a pleasant sound, even if the fabric of her pants was softening the blow.
"I've decided that if I can't find him, I've gotta lure him to find me and this is the best way to do it!" Eclair continued to roundhouse kick a trashcan full of food waste into a building, rotten fruits and vegetables smashing on the ground giving off a rather foul odor. The lid to the trashcan went rolling off to hit a dumpster a few feet away. 
"You know he's going to eventually come back right? He wouldn't just leave and not come back. He would never do that—to you." Kiomi sighed, picking up some of the trash cans Eclair had kicked over. Kiomo had a hard time disguising her rather disgusted face at first.
"Then where the hell is he?!" Éclair shouted once again before kicking another one clear into a wall. She charged up with a spin before kicking it, sending it flying several feet before contact. When this one hit the wall, four very plump rats were thrown from what looked like a grand feast they were having. They quickly scurried away from the destroyer of their home and back under a dark pile of stone bricks for cover.
"Eclair seriously stop throwing a fit like a child and get it through your thick skull that he will come back! Look at all the times you've made him angry before and he still came back! He's probably just out for a stupid walk somewhere!"
"Then why can't I find him?!" Éclair shouted as this time she punted a huge box full of scrap paper as far as she could. It soared over a fence as papers began to fly everywhere in the air. The box sounded as if it hit another trashcan and knocked it over.
"Did you ever stop to think he might be trying to get a break so he doesnt get frustrated with you?! You need to go back to the inn and get some sleep; he'll probably be back by morning!"
Éclair picked up another large box and punted that as well as hard as she could, "Not until I find him! If he's out here somewhere I'm not going to stop until I find him!"  
"Because you're angry at him or because you actually care about him?!" Kiomi crossed her arms with a frown.
"Because I'm going to find him even if it's the last thing that I do!" Éclair shouted, "I don't even care what he's mad at me about, I will find him no matter what it takes!" Éclair spun around and roundhouse kicked another trash can as hard as she could. The trashcan had almost hit Kiomi as she stepped aside to avoid it shaming her head.
"This is why you have got to stop bottling your feelings! Both of you two! Now you're both angry at each other because you won't communicate!"
Éclair growled, "That's not the problem right now, the problem is I can't find him!" She picked up a smaller box of trash, this time, then threw it in the air before kicking it into the fence. Pieces of moldy lettuce stuck to the fence as the box fell back down to the ground and another rat scurried out.
"Yes Eclair, it is the problem! Because if you two were able to communicate to each other you would not be angry at each other for something that you don't even understand, Eclair! Now he's angry and gone because you didn't even seem to notice it earlier,and you're going crazy because you're angry at him because he won't talk about it!"
"That's why I'm going to find him, no matter what it does to me! I don't care even if it is the last thing I'll ever do because I will find him!" Éclair shouted, picking up a trash can she already kicked once to kick it again into a wall, leaving a larger dent in the trash can, trying to make as much noise as possible. "Dammit I'm not going to let someone else I trust just walk out of my life I'm going to find him!" She kicked another can, perhaps harder than any of the previous ones. She had perfect form, running towards it before spinning into one dangerous roundhouse kick, sending the can flying several feet. The can had a rather large dent in it, considering it was metal against metal, and when it was metal against metal, Eclair's right foot was indeed the stronger of the two.
Kiomi growled, shaking her head, "Well you're not going to make any progress destroying people's trash cans! You need to calm yourself before you go searching for him!"
"If I make enough noise he has to notice it, he has to come back! He'll probably think I'm some third rate fraud causing a bunch of rukas and go check it out because it's out of the ordinary and he knows if I would've taken care of it, the noise would've ended a long time ago! I'm going to find him!" Éclair kicked another trash can she previously knocked down into a wall, leaving a third rather large dent in it. "If I can't find him by chasing after him and searching, I'll do what it takes to have him turn around and do the searching instead!" 
Kiomi huffed before catching up to Eclair and grabbing her arms away before she was about to chuck another object she found on the ground, "Stop it Eclair! Just take a minute to calm down first!"
"Yeah? And what's that gonna do?!" Éclair shouted before punting yet another trash can. The thing flew over a fence and made a strange sound like it hit a person.
"What the hell—!" The muffled voice shouted.
"That's your own damn fault for standing in my way idiot maybe you should watch your head first!" Éclair screamed as she broke away from Kiomi. "Being calm isn't going to help me find him. Doing whatever I can to look for him and find him will!"
"Being pissy isnt going to help either! What are you gonna do? What if he's already back at the hotel?! If you would calm down and think maybe there might be a better way to find him then kicking trash everywhere!"
"You're gonna pay for that!" screamed back the voice from before, screaming back in response to Eclair.
"Bring it!" Éclair shouted, "I've got way more trash cans from where that one came from and I'm just raring to go over here!" She then kicked another trash can over the fence in hopes to clobber the person.
"You stupid idiot!" screamed back the voice before it went silent—then in a fast rage blinded by anger and rage the person jumped the fence and managed to not only tackle Eclair to the ground with ease. This would normally be a near impossible task, but due to both of them being blinded by their emotions, Eclair couldn't realize the person was Edward, and Edward had no idea it was Eclair. "That will teach you to throw damn trash and at people you-" Edward paused before looking at Eclair who he had pinned down. He fell silent as he blinked several times realizing who it was.
Eclair growled back, "First of all, I didn't throw them. I kicked them. Get it right you--" Eclair paused as well, seeing as her tactic to lure Edward back actually worked better than she anticipated.
Edward then glared back, "It doesn't matter whether you kicked or threw it, you still hit me!"
"It's your fault for standing where my trash cans were landing!"  Éclair returned the glare, "Besides, it just means my plan worked, so that's what matters. See Kiomi? I told you it'd work. And you thought I was crazy!"
"You still are." Kiomi crossed her arms before shaking her head, "Now Ed, would you kindly please explain to Eclair as to why you decided to run off and then make her all worried, please?"
Eclair took the time to turn her head aside from where Edward still had her pinned to the ground and fixed her gaze away from the situation. She seemed rather irritated with the fact that Kiomi told him that she was worried, even though she was indeed worried. Her face filled in with a little color, different from the rage she held just moments earlier. 
Kiomi noticed the look and shook her head even more, "Don't get mad at me for it geeze! It's not like he  realized it! You two are both just frustrating! Just go back to being friends or whatever again!"
Eclair continued to look away from the two, still unsure how to react. She had gotten to the part of how to lure Edward back, but due to her rage she never thought ahead of what to do once he did show up.
Edward then pulled himself off of Eclair pulling himself up. He had looked away from her and to a wall in the opposite direction, crossing his arms.
Eclair finally sat up as well, mirroring Edward's actions, as the two still didn't seem to be on speaking terms yet. She did sneak a quick glimpse over her shoulder, just to make sure he was alright, as a sense of relief kicked in once she was able to confirm that he was indeed okay.
"You know you didn't need to come out here, I'm fine on my own." Edward snapped. Yet he still didn't look at her.
"How was I supposed to know that?!" Éclair snapped back, turning around. Her tiny hands balled into fists. "It's my job to look after you and watch your back--and your left side--how am I supposed to do that if I can't find you?!"
"I wastn leaving forever! I was getting some fresh air geeze! You act like I was going to leave you!"
"You ran out this morning and it took me until well after dark kicking around trash cans in a dark sketchy alleyway in a city I don't know very well acting like some third-rate-fraud to find you! If you were just getting fresh air you could've just told me and not vanished for an entire day so I didn't spend my entire day trying to track you down then making a mess of this alleyway where I probably could have ran into real danger!"
"Did I ask you to put yourself in danger to find me?! No I did not ! You could have just stayed in the hotel and ignored me!" Edward had finally whipped around to look at Eclair.
"And why the hell would I have done that?!" Éclair shouted back, "I don't care how much danger there was I can't just have you vanishing on me like that, did you ever think of what the hell I'd do if you just vanished?! Huh?! How would any of this research get done? How would Bradley get stopped from turning Amestris into a giant farm with the help of Father? How else would you be able to figure out how to get our bodies back--without using a stone?! How the hell else would be I be able to actually get a good night's rest without having to deal with a stupid nightmare or someone sneaking up behind me while I sleep?! Huh?! How would we be able to figure out how Kiomi and her father are all involved in this mess?! How will anything get done besides watching the world crash and burn down all around us, huh?!"
Edward paused, crossing his arms, he realized his irrational jealousy was causing him to make Eclair more upset.  He seemed to hesitate a moment before shaking his head. He couldn't let his guard down, not this time. He was not going to tell her to spare her another argument about a whole new topic that wasn't on the top list for talks right now. He was avoiding it.  Edward just frowned, narrowing his eyes at Eclair. "Well I-I don't know then! Why do you always make big deals about this?!"
"Because what the hell else am I supposed to do when someone goes missing, huh?! You guys go on and on about how me being alone is bad and how I should trust my friends and everything, but how can I have friends and not be alone when you go missing?! How can I keep trust in someone when you run off on me?! Hell, how do I know that you're okay?!" Éclair shouted back, her anger and emotions swelling inside of her like a tidal wave in a boiling pot. Sooner or later she was bound to boil over and release the wave upon the world.
"I-I don't know!" Edward shouted back he clenched his fists at his side he had no idea what else to do but shout and rant.
"I don't know what I'd do either, okay?! I'd rather not think about it even at all!" Éclair shouted back, "But you're not really giving me a choice here, now are you?!"  The girl was nearly trembling now from her anger, which seemed to be much bigger and stronger than she was.
"Hey you two stop it! The more you yell the more frustrated you're going to get!" Kiomi attempted to yell but Edward had spoken over her.
"I guess I'm not but you'll have to deal with it then!" Edward stomped his foot angrily. He didn't know what he was saying but anything to get him off the hook with his other problem was good.
Éclair focused on getting back to her feet, "It's your problem too stupid, since you're involved in it!"
"Just stop making such a big deal about it and it wouldn't be!" Edward growled back this time getting close enough to where he had knocked Eclair back.
Éclair stumbled back, but caught herself rather easily since she was on guard, "Oh I'm the one making a big deal about this? I wasn't the one who vanished for hours today now was I?"
"I didn't vanish, I went for a walk, you just overreacted because you're-you're..." Edward paused before glancing around and then back to Eclair "Because you're stuck up and and - just angry for no reason!"
"I'm angry because I spent my day looking for you and you ran off and I couldn't find you for hours and I had no idea where you were or if you were okay!" Éclair shouted back, "I think that's a pretty good reason, don't you?!" 
"Stop asking me questions I don't know the damn answer too you weirdo!"
"Then stop making me ask them stupid because someone has to ask them and you know I will and I'll find an answer somehow dammit!"
Edward had run to a pause and he couldn't no longer tighten the clench of his fists at his side. He lost his words and instead proceeded to shove Eclair hard enough to where he had shoved her into the wall.
"Dammit if you want a fight you've got one!" Éclair stated as she tackled Edward down before she tumbled off and landed on her knees. "Or do you not know the answer to a fight either now?!"
Edward growled before attempting to flip her over, "Shut up! Why are you being so outrageous?!" He shook his head finally rolling her over and sitting on top of her.
"How am I the outrageous one?! I'm not the one who ran away!" Éclair screamed back, "I didn't get to eat anything all day because I was more concerned about finding you, because I'm not the outrageous one here!" Éclair was able to swing her hands together in front of her face before slamming them on the ground. The ground threw both her and Edward apart, both landing on their feet with a little distance between the two.
Edward stumbled back a bit before clapping his hands and once they smacked the ground he had sent a crack down the middle of the alleyway where they stood. "I told you I didn't run away! I was avoiding you!"
"God damnit would you two just make up! You can't go and destroy all these places because of your angst!" Kiomi shouted between them attempting to fix the drama she could.
Éclair's face seemed to fill in with a sudden hint of fear, then a bit of rage. She turned around for a moment, her shoulders hunched up as if she were about to cry, however she then turned back around before throwing her hands down onto the ground, "That's it!" She shouted as her voice wavered, cracking in the middle of her scream. The ground flew up in spikes, tossing all the trash cans and boxes up into the air.  "How the hell am I supposed to know any of that?!" It seemed as if tears were trying to form in her eyes, however her anger was the only thing pushing them back.
Éclair's book had fallen to the ground behind her, unknown to Éclair. It seemed as if she was focused soloy on Edward, and not anything else that was going on in her surroundings.
"I -I don't know! I was just I look at you and I-I" Edward still couldn't speak. He had lost his sense of speech and wanted so badly just to tell her but he was terrified to do so.  "Calm down and let  me think!"
"You had all afternoon to think!" She spat back. She clapped her hands once again and began to grow more spikes out of the ground, beginning to get more out of hand. "How the hell am I not supposed to be worried about—" she stopped in her words before she clapped her hands again, creating a large field of alchemy throwing the dirt and ground around.  It had done enough to knock Edward back onto his butt after fighting to stand still.
"Stop it El!" Edward growled, clapping his hands on the ground under himself and sending trash cans flying at her.  Kiomi, who had been panicking to figure out what to do, would notice a faint glow from Eclair's mark each time she turned to her.
"Why should I?!" Éclair shouted back, her anger only seeming to grow. 
"Because you're starting to freak me out dammit!" Edward clapped his hands once more, sending another trash can at her.
"Well you already freaked me out took you long enough to get on my level!" Éclair spat, dodging the trash can with ease. She clapped her hands again to make a pair of larger hands out of the earth. Edward's eyes grew in size as he watched them. He attempted to clap his hands fast enough to counteract her move but he unfortunately wasn't as the hands grabbed him up.
"Damnit El!" Edward kicked around the hands; he hadn't taken the time to notice that Eclair's eyes were a weird dark purple now and her mark was glowing full color this time. It was to be only minutes until she came unglued. "Eclair?!" Edward shouted as Eclair's face turned red indicating her anger. It had reached its red point and she looked ready to crush him or as if she was losing control of what she was doing.
"Kiomi do something!" Edward shouted back, "stop that stone of hers!"
Éclair ignored the screams, continuing on as if nothing were wrong. Perhaps she couldn't hear them now. She was consumed by her emotions once and for all. It was as if her stone was trying to consume her from the emotions.
"Just give me a second Ed I'm trying to figure out what to do without -" she was interrupted by Eclair using the strength she had to make the hands squish Edward tighter as he tried to fight free. Kiomi shook her head no longer wanting to wait before she shook her head , "She's not going to like this..." she whispered before clapping her hands and quickly using her shoe to draw a circle before she slammed her hands onto it and targeted it towards Eclair.
Eclair didn't have time to react as strange blue lightning crawled up around the ground and surrounded Eclair before it turned the same color as her mark. The lightning lit up in a circle on the ground below her and a strange magical circle radiated from her chest—from the mark—and surrounded her in a sphere of purple alchemy runes. Finally Eclair's reaction kicked in as her concentration was broken and her eyes lit up with fear before she felt a sudden tugging and within seconds the sphere shrank and had vanished completely.
Éclair was gone.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now