'Princess' Everlette

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It didn't take long for the group to board the train and take their seats at one of the very last cars. The train was quite full this evening and it was apparent to everyone that it would take at least half a day's trip to arrive in Fremont from their departure time. Everyone had sighed as they settled on the train. Being stuck on a train was not a popular past time amongst the group. Even Roy was not quite satisfied with being cooped up for half a day as he sighed.

"I guess this is where we're sleeping for tonight...it could be worse we could be with the goat again..." Éclair sighed.

Edward frowned as he crossed his arms. "I'm glad that stupid thing is gone it would have been eating my hair."

"Eww goat slobber hair, that's gross you really should wash that." Éclair commented from where she sat next to Edward. She leaned against the window as she watched out at the sunset being almost complete.

Edward shot Eclair a sour look before he slumped in the seat. "I think I'm going to sleep soon. Hey what are you looking at?" He asked of El as she stared out the window.

"Sand...just lots and lots of sand...oh and more sand...did I mention sand? Oh look...more sand..." Éclair commented back, "I suppose I'll do some more studying before I sleep...I don't see anything else better to do...we won't arrive near Fremont until nearly this time tomorrow...considering there's always a delay in central and at the south city. The train ride itself may only take a day, but those delays will keep us here for a day or more..."

Edward nodded as he sighed. "I'll look more into our research when I wake up and then you can sleep we can take turns." He suggested as he laid on his back next to where El was sitting.

"Alright, if I find something besides sand I'll let you know..." Éclair trailed off as she opened her notebook. A few pages fell out on the table.

Edward was ready to fall asleep before one of the pages slid off the table and onto his chest. He picked it up ready to hand it to Eclair before he read some of its contents. Edward stared at the paper a bit longer before he looked over at El. He had just happened to decipher some scribbled out words about how El doesn't understand why Edward made her angry. "You wrote this about me!" Edward exclaimed as he put the paper up and confronted El about her written statements.

Eclair seemed annoyed with his sudden shouting as she looked up. "What do you want-" she stopped when she spotted the paper he was holding out. "Hey give that back!" Éclair took the page from Edward, showing him the other side of the page, "These are the notes I have on fixing wounds and stuff! This stuff isn't even known by some of the best alchemists since I combined Xing's alchemy and our stuff here. If you let this page get out people would be after me for the rest of the stuff in here which is dangerous stuff!"

"That still doesn't explain why you wrote those notes about me! Why didn't you just tell me I made you angry?!" Edward screamed back in anger.

Éclair shook her head, "I don't know I just know that I'm angry! And I don't know why!" She stuffed the page back into the notebook from where she pulled it out.

Edward frowned before he pouted and laid down on his back again turning away from her. "Wake me up when you're done studying so I don't make you angry I guess!" he growled

"Too late you already have!" Éclair growled back at him, curling herself up in a ball next to the window.

"Good then!" Edward responded before crossing his arms and closing his eyes. The expression on his face clearly showed how upset he was about the tiny situation and El could clearly make it out from his face. This made her more angry and she turned back to the window.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now