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Thanks to all the help from Tom and Wisteria, Eclair's wounds were mended to the best of their abilities so Eclair could heal. Since there were no adverse effects from her wounds, it was the next morning that Éclair woke up. She started by blinking her eyes open, scrunching up her eyebrows as she found herself able to wake up without being in such a severe pain as before. As she opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling of an unfamiliar place, unlike anything she could recall. Her hands crawled alongside her body as they reached where her wound from before was covered in bandages. She let her fingertips graze across the bandages, realizing the pain from before wasn't there as it had been prior to this time. She noticed how this gauze bandage wrap was done tighter and neater than before, as if it wasn't a temporary fix thrown together on a moving train.

Eclair lifted her head to finally use her eyesight to examine what the fingertips of her right hand told her: it was a new tightly bound gauze wrap around her lower abdomen and stomach. It was new, completely replaced the old, and a majority of the pain was gone. Some pain lingered, but it was nothing like what she experienced on the train. She nodded to herself, I'll survive this easily, this won't keep me down for too long, as she continued to look over the bandages. She sat herself up to help herself see more. There were more bandages than she was willing to admit ever wearing on her right now. Eclair even let her right hand trace against the side of her face to move her bangs out of the way while feeling for more bandages. She had another wrapped around her forehead and one that she could feel on her right cheek. I'll be okay. I'll just have to get some more ingredients. I'm sure I can find some at a local marketplace...if I knew where I was... her thoughts trailed off as she readjusted the tank top she was wearing. She noticed it was a lot loser and baggier than normal, it somehow didn't fit right.

As Eclair went to adjust the straps, she realized they were larger than normal. She let the cloth material run through her fingertips as she shook her head, this doesn't feel right...this feels like...

Eclair's face began to emit a red hue as she felt her body temperature rise and her skin burn--and not from her wounds. Why am I wearing his shirt...?! Where's my suitcase and where's my clothes? She began to look frantically around the room, cataloging her surroundings in her mind. Couch, pictures on the wall of a man and a young girl, probably related. My suitcase, Ed's suitcase, a staircase, floor rug, fireplace on the other side of the room. Door to what looks like outside and windows, kitchen behind me, Edward sleeping with his mouth wide open against the couch--Edward! Eclair tilted her head and moved herself to get a better look where he was asleep sitting on the floor leaning against the other end of the couch. He had his head leaned back as his mouth was wide open, sleeping rather unattractively. He had his hands resting on his legs as a silver chain emerged from them, a chain that Eclair was easily able to identify as the chain to her pocket watch. Beside him was her notebook, closed and secured with another book on top of it as if he was doing some light reading in the meantime. Eclair let out a sigh of relief noticing Edward was there and sleeping. She even let a small smile flood her face as she allowed the relief to flood her small, fragile body. He's relaxed so that means everything must be okay...otherwise he'd be here screaming my head off for one reason or another...

"Hello there, glad to see you're awake." Eclair's thoughts were cut off as a deep voice from beside her spoke. She quickly turned to see where it came from, noticing a man was standing next to her holding a basket of clothes--her clothes save for the shorts she was wearing. "I saw you were admiring the bandages."

"Uh--I--Uh--" Eclair stuttered, attempting to figure out what to say to the man.

"The color has returned to your skin, you're nowhere near as pale as you were before. Are you feeling any better?" He asked her, setting down the basket of clothes beside him.

Kiomi & Éclair Destroy the World (A FMA Fan-Fic) [With AnimeNerd_36]Where stories live. Discover now