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She is nothing like what they expected her to be. In fact she is quite opposite to their imagination.

She is no innocent. They could see that in her witty and inciting eyes.

She isn't any ordinary woman who climbed the bed of the powerful man. She alone could be counted as strong, powerful and independent woman.

Her aura gave away everything.

The way she carried herself and the way she didn't even flinch with more than hundred pair of eyes looking at her, depicted how used she is to face the people around.

She is excluding confidence and her eyes glistened with determination as she swept her eyes through the crowd.

She has the indifferent expression etched on her face just like her husband. However, her stoic face increased her beauty and excluded her tough character.

With one look, everyone could tell that she is a perfect candidate to sport the tittle 'Mrs. Jeon.

Meanwhile, Jungkook scrutinized the expressions written on the faces of his guests. He couldn't help but smile in content.

He knew that Lisa could face this people without even batting her eye. It is not her body nor her face which gives the impression.

It is her aura, her demeanor and her elegance.

Jungkook took his wife's hand into his and squeezed it, making Lisa look at her husband.

She could see the approval in his eyes and that made her smile back at him.

Together, they climbed downstairs and everyone raised their glasses in the gesture to greet them.

Jungkook's hand, which is holding her earlier moved up to her shoulder and he hugged her sideways as he led her to the main table where his family and her family is sitting.

Jungkook's father who is talking to the guests earlier, smiled at the couple and excused himself before rushing to his son and daughter in law who is more like his own daughter.

"You look stunning, princess. You make me remind your mother in law" he told as he gave a fatherly hug to Lisa.

Lisa smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks dad. You look handsome too....more like Jungkook's elder brother than his father" Lisa teased.

They have grown closer to each other after her engagement. Though he have daughter, she is already mother of three and also the CEO of world renowned company.

In addition to that she is the most demanding doctor. She is always busy with work and her family that she barely have time to spend with her father.

Now, with his daughter in law coming back, he can dote on her, pamper her with his fatherly love.

"You flatter me, kid. But some people here told me that I started becoming too old" her father in law pouted.

Lisa laughed. She knew who would have teased her father in law like this and still managed to live.

It should be his naughty grandchildren.

"*cough*cough*....dad, I am here as well. How come you forget your favorite son" Jungkook tried to get attention of his father.

Getting failed in doing so, Jungkook tightened his arms around his wife's waist and hugged her tightly.

"Baby, am I visible?" Jungkook asked, like a cute child asking for mother's attention.

Of course, he wouldn't gave shown his true self when these many people are seeing them. Bodyguards have skillfully blocked the view from the others.

My Villainess || Book 2 ✓Where stories live. Discover now