226.Truth revealed.

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Bambam nodded his head.

It made sense.

If Jungkook act out of impulse, it will effect Hwasa and I'd something happens to Hwasa, Lisa will be totally down casted and depressed.

Given with Lisa's condition, it is not good for both baby and Lisa.

"Will you tell Lisa about this?" Bambam asked.

"No. Not at all. For now, my first priority is my wife and child. I shouldn't increase her stress levels. So, don't tell my wife about that" Jungkook said and walked away.

It's almost nine at the night and Jungkook decided to stay back in hospital for one night.

On the other side, Lisa started getting bored.

Though one or other would stay back to give her company, she still felt lonely. She need her husband, Jungkook.

"Kook, where are you?" Lisa asked as soon as he called.

"Hon, I am staying back at hospital today. Please finish your dinner and sleep early. I will ask Jisoo to give you company" Jungkook said.

"Okay. I will not worry you much. But, is anything wrong out there?" Lisa asked.

Meanwhile, Jungkook noticed Hwasa's doctor hiding at the corner of the corridor.

He smirked and increased his pitch.

"No honey, nothing is wrong here. We even caught the culprits of security breach" he said, a loud.

Taeyeon sighed in relief.

She was dying out in anxiety.

"Good night, Kook. I will miss you" Lisa said, pouting. Even her voice is shaky.

Jungkook felt his heart melt and he couldn't help his urge to go back to Lisa and hug her to sleep.

"Good night love. Good night to two of you" he whispered.

After ending the call, he took the opposite corridor and walked back to same corridor where Taeyeon is hiding.

He gently patted her back and even before she could turn around, a black cloth masked her face.

Jungkook already alerted his medical experts.

If his guess isn't wrong, Minho should be keeping firm watch on this doctor Taeyeon.

As he can't send his man to do that, he must be using electronics or some kind of trackers and recorders implanted in Taeyeon's body.

So, to not make it any suspicious, Jungkook asked help of his medical experts.

On the next two hours ....

Taeyeon got free from Minho's trackers and recorders. The medical team took care of them so that Minho wouldn't even discover the changes.

Meanwhile, Jungkook asked his henchmen from underworld to dig out secrets of Taeyeon. As her brother in law gave total acces of internal affairs of country A, where Taeyeon is military doctor, it became easy for Jungkook to find out about Taeyeon's son who is now a captive in White shadow organization.

It's indeed a terrible blackmail.

As soon to be father, Jungkook understood why Taeyeon have to do this. And, he couldn't blame her for taking their side.

If he is in her position he would do same as well.

So, as a little compensation to Taeyeon, he decided to help her to get her son back.

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