218.Scarlett kidnapped.

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At one night.....

Lisa and Jungkook are in heated passion.

From few days, she was craving more for s.e.x and Jungkook was very happy to fulfil it.

Just like always, they are happily indulged in their love making but got disturbed when Jungkook's mobile rang.

"Why do I always get disturbed at this time!" Jungkook frowned.

Lisa chuckled and pushed him away. "Go, go and take the call." She said, wrapping her blanket around her n.a.k.e.d body.

Jungkook pouted. This isn't the first time he got disturbed in this way.

It has been almost a month he and Lisa got married and decided to stay back in country X.

From the very first day of their return, Jungkook and Lisa continued researching about Minho and white shadow organization.

But most of their hard work ended up in dead end, wasting most of their time.

Cara Walker woke up from coma five days back but she is still weak and slipping back into sleep often. Or, at least that was her act.

And, ever since Jungkook and Lisa came back, they didn't had much time to spend with each other.

All the time they have got is night time but even in these midnight's, one or other would call and disturb this newly wedded love couple.

"I am sorry, sweetheart. I will be back" Jungkook apologized as he kissed her forehead and dressed up.

He took his phone and went to his study room. His first priority has always been Lisa and he is adamant not to make her stressed up.

What if she is really pregnant??

Even her desires for s.e.x increased from few days.

"Brother in law, what happened??" Jungkook asked.

Jungkook's brother in law and his sister Jieun shifted to country X for meanwhile. They didn't wanted Jungkook to over exert himself with both professional life and this tension.

"Jungkook, we have lost contact with Scarlet. She isn't picking her phone and none of her bodyguards are responding to us. We even tried to track her through the tracker fitted to her neck chain, but in vain. Even the shadow team couldn't contact her." Soohyun said in hurry.

Scarlett is his little princess, his only daughter.

Soohyun loves her so much and she is the most pampered little girl of Braxton's and Summers.

She is just twelve years!

"Isn't Scarlett in Beijing? Preparing for her Olympics in the academy?" Jungkook asked in shock.

Scarlett is his little sweet heart too.

She is his most favorite niece and if anything will happen to her, Jungkook will probably go crazy!!!

"She was! But today night she didn't pick up my call and bodyguards didn't respond. I asked my shadow team at nearest council branch to check on her but they couldn't find her anywhere. I am scared.... Jungkook." Soohyun emotionally said.

He is very cold and formidable. But his only weakness is his family.

"I am scared how Jieun will take this news, Jungkook. She already lost one son and I don't.... I just can't see her in that distress if Scarlett.... If something happens to Scarlett" Soohyun said.

Jungkook is shocked.

So shocked.

He didn't know that Jieun lost a son. So, when Jason was born, she lost another son due to complications.

No one might know about it but Jungkook had some irking.

Soohyun was little sad and guilty when Jason was born. No one noticed it in the happiness but Jungkook certainly did.

At that time he thought Soohyun was disappointed because he had son instead of daughter.

So the real reason is this!! He lost his just born son but could t tell it to his wife.

"Brother in law, please don't panic. We WILL find Scarlett" Jungkook said, however, his hands are shivering too.

Scarlett resembles his mother Sophia and his sister Jieun. So, he is more attached to Scarlett.

'Minho, if you are the reason why my niece is not found, I swear I will destroy you bit by bit' Jungkook thought.

"Brother in law, Don't tell to sister now. Let's confirm we every thing first." Jungkook said as he instantly sent distress signal to all his team's.

Jin, Bambam and all his friends right away started their journey to council.

Jungkook went back to his bedroom just to see his dear wife waiting for him, still wrapped in blanket.

She is in very happy mood and was humming her favorite song.

"Any news??" she asked but after seeing Jungkook's face, she asked, "Anything wrong, honey??" She asked, now totally alert.

"Hmm.... Nothing happened Lali. Just something popped up and it was emergency. I have to go" Jungkook said dressing up.

"I will come too" Lisa said and she is about to stand up but Jungkook stopped her and made her to lie down.

"Nothing is wrong Lisa. It's just a small thing so, I insist you have to take rest. From past one week you are overexerting yourself" Jungkook chided her.

Lisa pouted but nodded her head.

Jungkook would have told to Lisa but she is very much connected to Scarlett.

The first time she met is when she didn't reincarnate, but, since then Lisa fell in love with that little, energetic and naughty girl.

So, if Lisa finds out, she will not sit quietly and watch.

This would make Jungkook worried.

So, it's better she don't get involved.

What if Minho trapped Scarlett to get Lisa into his hands.


In council's main room.

Soohyun, Jungkook, Jin, Bambam, Jungkook's father and his cousins are sitting on the couch.

They are busy in ordering their people.

Just in one hour, it is no wonder the hell came down on to earth.

"Scarlett was in her gymnastics club in a academy the last time she called. She just reached there four hours back and none of others knows where she went. It's just Me, Jieun, and her brother's." Soohyun said.

"Hmm.... She just called me two hours back at dinner time and told everything about her competitor's" Jungkook said.

"Moreover, no one knows that Scarlett is Summers. Her identity was kept very secret right" Jungkook's father Julian asked.

"Yes, I am very sure. It should be someone working in Summers household. But, even they don't know where she went. I am still confused how Minho got to know about her location, her Identity." Soohyun said, totally worried.

"So, it's Jieun, Sage and Jason who knows about current location of Scarlett excluding brother in law and me" Jungkook asked.

"Yes" Soohyun answered.

"But it can't be her brothers and mother who leaked her information. That would be insane to even think, so, who can this person be??!!" Jin said.

But, a video stopped them.

It was Scarlett but she is freely left behind by the kidnappers.

Those people are wearing white shadow organization emblem and masks on their faces.

After that, another video popped up on the screen.

Its Minho.

But he had mask on his face.

His face resembles his father so much that they can right away tell that he is connected to Jaxon.

So that, he his it.

"Your little princess, Scarlett Summers isn't my target. This is just a trailer Jungkook. I was so bored and wanted to see how while council will react if their family members gets kidnapped. You guys didn't disappoint me.... I felt so thrilled to see to see this scene enfold in front of my eyes" Minho laughed.

Soohyun and Jungkook gritted their teeth.

Isn't this too much!!

"Minho!!" Jungkook shouted bit it was already too late.

The video got stopped.


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