220.Tiny Jeon?

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Jungkook nodded his head and hurried away.

By the time he reached, Lisa is just sitting on her bed eating apples.

She is truly so weak that Jieun couldn't help but worry.

Poor girl would have been struggling a lot. According to what Jieun knows about Lisa, she is hundred percent sure that Lisa will be blaming herself for what is happening.

Everything started with her coming to spy on Jungkook. Or else, no one would have found out that Linda is alive and living somewhere in China.

So, Lisa is still in guilty conscience that everything is because of her.

"Sister, what happened to my wife?? Didn't she overexert herself again?" Jungkook asked his sister as soon as he saw her coming towards him.

Jungkook once again glanced through the glass door and couldn't help feel like his heart is twisting with pain.

His wife is looking so fragile and dull that his heart starting aching for her tremendously.

Meanwhile, Jieun followed Jungkook's gaze and sighed.

Parting his shoulder she said, "Some of her reports came and she is indeed weak. I think you should take care of your wife rather than thinking too much about Minho." Jieun chided Jungkook gently.

"*sigh*.... You go inside and talk with your wife. The last set of reports would be coming in at most half an hour" Jieun told to her brother.

Jungkook nodded his head and gently opened the door.

However, he got his wife's attention as soon as she heard the door open.

"Jungkook" Lisa called him and she stood up, attempting to sprint towards him and hug him.

However, Jungkook took a long stride and in a brief moment of the second he is standing in front of his wife.

"Why are you running as if you are a child?? You are weak remember" Jungkook scolded her but his arms automatically wrapped around her waist as he pulled her into his hug.

The nurses who are in charge of Lisa, right away left the room, leaving couple to themselves.

"I just didn't eat my breakfast and I was giddy that I felt like I will faint. However, sister Jieun over reacted and brought me to hospital for whole body checkup." Lisa said and pouted.

However, Jungkook's mind stuck between the words 'I didn't had breakfast'.

He frowned and flicked her forehead making Lisa pout even more.

"Did you eat your dinner yesterday" Jungkook asked.

Lisa blinked her eyes and looked at her husband with puppy eyes.

He came late to home and went away early.

So, Lisa didn't had someone nagging her to eat. So, she asked the maid to being her food to her room but didn't eat them.

"Seeing your puppy face I am so sure that you didn't had both your breakfast and dinner. What are you, a small kid who wants monitoring?" He scolded.

"If you do this again, I swear, I will leave all my work behind and wait till you eat!!" Jungkook warned.

"Honey, I didn't wanted you to worry. That is why. Actually I am feeling this strong sense of nausea from past two days" Lisa said, hugging him more tightly.

"Why didn't you say?" Jungkook asked, frowning.

Lisa didn't answer but snuggled into him and closed her eyes.

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