228.Telling truth to Soohyun

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"And, the Jason in your mansion is not 'Jason' it's Woojin who hate your family to his core. He was raised by Minho and his uncle and they had planted the immense hatred in him. They lied to him that your brother in law intentionally abandoned him for sale of his first born child. Woojin was raised by telling lies and to stop him from learning the truths he was separately raised. He still doesn't know most of the history. You must talk to him and tell him everything" Taeyeon said.

Meanwhile, Jungkook is totally shocked and his mind is almost bursting with all these news.

Woojin is the person who is now in Jason's place and this time he couldn't even act impulsively because Woojin is his nephew.

Jungkook sighed and massaged the space between his eyebrows.

"Taeyeon, are you aware of where Jason is now? If Woojin is here and Jason should be in White shadow organization. If my sister and brother in law will find this out, I am sure my sis will die." Jungkook worried.

Taeyeon pursed her lips..

"No sir, I am not aware of it and by that time I am already here in country X" Taeyeon told.

"Do you think Bella, the imposter of Hwasa might know? After all, Minho trust her a lot" Jungkook asked.

"I don't think so. In fact, I think Woojin might not even know about it. Minho don't trust anyone" Taeyeon told.

Jungkook pursed his lips.

"Thanks Taeyeon. I will not force any information from you anymore. In fact, I owe you so much. My sister will be truly happy to know that her second son is alive." Jungkook said.

Taeyeon smiled. "This us the least I can do for saving me and my son. But, you must be careful with Bella and make sure she doesn't find out about our partnership" Taeyeon told.

"I promise that. Till everything will come back to normal, your safety will be my responsibility" Jungkook said and exited the room.

His heart is still heavy and his brain is exploding with the news.

For now, Jungkook decided to talk with Soohyun and Woojin.

But before that he should talk with Lisa. He is missing her.


At midnight.

Jungkook entered the house and he couldn't help but take a glance at Jason's room in which Woojin is sleeping.

Jungkook is sure that Woojin will understand.

He is good by heart.

It can be proven with what he did with Valarie.

As Valarie is someone's lover and girlfriend, Woojin didn't even thought of being with her act.

It showed how good and well matured he is, in his heart.

As Valarie loves Jason so much, she constantly be lovey dovey with Jason.

Just to make sure she will not do that, he intentionally fought with Valarie.

But why?

If they are truly thinking to kill Jeon's family, he would have not did.

Jungkook sighed as he thought about it. He freshened up in guest room and went back to his and Lisa's room.

As soon as Jungkook saw Lisa's peaceful and blissful face, all his stress and tensions flew away.

He sat down beside her on the bed and caressed her head. Lisa who felt his hand smiled and snuggled closer to Jungkook.

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