222.He is so suspicious...

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Lisa and Jungkook chuckled at Jieun's words and Jungkook couldn't help but wrap his arm around Lisa's waist.

Every time, the topic about Lisa's pregnancy is brought up, it made Jungkook feel delighted to think that he is becoming father.

After finishing dinner and getting her gifts, Lisa went back to her room to freshen up.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and other person's went to the study room.

"We have got a lead, Jungkook" Soohyun told as he opened the file in his I pad.

"After we dug a lot into Minho's past, we found out that his citizenship was once belonged to country X." Soohyun said.

"So, that Minho is from this country and we couldn't even find that?" Julian asked.

"That means he is powerful enough to erase his traces. Brother in law, did that happen before his adoption or after?" Jungkook asked.

"Though that information isn't that reliable, we have come to conclusion that he might have erased his traces even before he got adopted" Soohyun said.

"The other interesting fact is, his father's name was not mentioned in the records" Soohyun told.

Julian smirked.

"No records at all?? Don't you think it's fishy Soohyun. Why am I feeling like it's something serious than we thought?" his father in law asked Soohyun.

"Yeah dad. But don't worry, my people are working on it" Soohyun told.

"So, his father might be someone council killed. That is why Minho is here for Revenge" Jungkook said.

However, they never thought that Minho can be Jaxon's son.

They are so sure that they didn't leave any stones unturned.

"And, any leads from your spies, Jungkook?" Julian asked.

Jungkook nodded his head. "They find out that Minho has a secret brother whom he never let loose from his grasp. It seems like he values his brother a lot" Jungkook told.

Julian and Soohyun nodded their heads. That's a good lead but only if they know who this mysterious brother is.

"Then, I will deploy my underworld team to find about the origin of this brother. Whether he is with Minho when they shifted countries with new identities" Jungkook said.

"Does we know his age or how he looks?" Julian asked.

"No dad. Not yet. This is already something my spies risked his their life with. I don't want to risk their life's again" Jungkook said.


As the discussion went on like this, on the other side, Lisa started walking towards garden for fresh air.

Without Jungkook, she started feeling bored in her room.

She started walking randomly, as she enjoyed the fresh air in the garden.

'It feels so good here' she thought as she leaned against the trunk of the huge tree.

There are traces of earthly fragrance near the tree that Lisa felt so relaxed and closed her eyes.

She couldn't help but caress her stomach involuntary.

But soon she got startled when she heard the foot steps approaching her.

Is it Jungkook? She thought and peeked from the other side but frowned.

It isn't Jungkook but someone else.

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