217.Minho's flash back

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But what they doesn't know is Minho is planning for his attack soon.

And, that would start with Bella waking up and acting just like Hwasa.

'The family which killed my dad will perish soon enough and everything will be mine soon" Minho thought.

He sipped his wine slowly and made call to his uncle.

Real uncle.

Not adopted or someone else.

"Uncle, this is our time to start our own plan. Time to strike Summers family and then Jeon's" Minho said laughing like an maniac.

"Then I will start with Jason Summers, the nineteen years old son of Jieun and Scott Summers." His uncle said.

Jason Summers is the next heir of that family, however, he is in the vacation, enjoying his world tour with his girlfriend. As he insisted on privacy, the protection around him is relatively less now.

"According to my spy, who is the friend of Jason's, they are currently enjoying the summer in Maldives. Their next plan is to go to Africa where we have upper hand. I will initiate our plan when he step on that continent" his uncle told.

Minho nodded his head in approval.

Jason is the sweetheart of both Summers and Jeon's.

The first born of both the families who is extremely doted upon.

But Minho is well aware that he is no easy to handle. That boy is as dangerous as his uncle Jungkook.

"Do whatever you want uncle. But just tell me when you want Maxwell's help. I will send him" Minho said.

After talking to his uncle for little while, Minho took a glance at the time and it is almost two at midnight.

Sighing a little, he walked out of swimming pool and went to his shooting arena to vent out his frustration


Minho is none other than Jungkook's own cousin.

But no one knows about Minho and his existence.

Minho's father Jaxon and Jungkook's father Julian are own brother's.

But they are like a different sides of coin.

Julian is good and he was always praised by everyone.

However, Jaxon, Minho's father is too cunning and known for his inhumane nature.

This caused everyone to constantly compare him to his elder brother.

Jaxon didn't like that and he started increasing his hatred towards his own brother who used to love him so much.

Later, after days passed by and they had grown up, Jungkook's father became the head of the family. He fell in love with Sophia the same girl Jaxon loved.

However, Sophia loved back Julian (Jungkook's father).

This made Jaxon more angry and he couldn't hold himself from hating both Julian and his wife Sophia.

This increased to such a level that Jaxon killed Sophia.

But by then, Jieun and Jaehyun (Jungkook's siblings) are already twelve years old.

But Jaxon didn't know that his brother has children who are safely being raised separately by Sophia's parents and their best friends Grey's.

At that time Jungkook is just an month old and he lost his mother even before he could no how it feels to have a mother.

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